
SciTE with encryption/decryption support

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


SciTE with encryption/decryption support from https://github.com/clach04/puren_tonbo

Uses upstream prebuilt scite sc1.exe with pure tonbo plugin to support AE-2 (zip), OpenSSL AES-256-CBC, andother encryption mechanisms.



NOTE assumes Python (virtualenv / venv) already setup. Something like:

C:\pythons\PPython2.7.17_32-bit\App\Python\python.exe -m pip  install virtualenv
C:\pythons\PPython2.7.17_32-bit\App\Python\python.exe -m virtualenv pyenv2.7.17_32-bit
call c:\pythons\pyenv2.7.17_32-bit\Scripts\activate.bat

pip install of py2exe is NOT possible, i.e. python -m pip install py2exe==0.6.9 fails Running exe https://sourceforge.net/projects/py2exe/files/py2exe/0.6.9/py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.7.exe/download also does not work.

BUT can extract contents of PLATLIB dir (inside archive, use 7z to view/extract) into site-packages.

With virtualenv, may need to manuall set tcl and tk lib paths, e.g.:

set TCL_LIBRARY=C:\Pythons\PortablePython-2.7.17\App\Python\tcl\tcl8.5
set TK_LIBRARY=C:\Pythons\PortablePython-2.7.17\App\Python\tcl\tk8.5

set TCL_LIBRARY=C:\pythons\PPython2.7.17_32-bit\App\Python\tcl\tcl8.5
set TK_LIBRARY=C:\pythons\PPython2.7.17_32-bit\App\Python\tcl\tk8.5

This avoids error, _tkinter.TclError: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:.

Get required pieces

cd puren_tonbo
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r requirements_optional.txt
python -m pip install -e .
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/clach04/easydialogs-windows.git
# Manually install easydialogs-windows

# HACK - workaround py2exe pywin32 hook problem https://github.com/clach04/EncScite/issues/3
delete virtualenv\\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\Demo

# https://github.com/clach04/EncScite/issues/2
pip uninstall pycryptodome
echo manually install https://web.archive.org/web/20200427093214/http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#pycrypto

Sanity check / test

python -m puren_tonbo.tools.ptcipher --password-prompt=gui --decrypt puren_tonbo\tests\data\aesop.chi
python -m puren_tonbo.tools.ptcipher --password password --decrypt puren_tonbo\tests\data\aesop_linux_7z.aes256stored.zip
python -m puren_tonbo.tools.ptcipher --password password --decrypt puren_tonbo\tests\data\aesop_win.openssl_aes256cbc_pbkdf2_10k
python -m puren_tonbo.tools.ptcipher --password password --decrypt puren_tonbo\tests\data\aesop_win_ccrypt.cpt
python -m puren_tonbo.tools.ptcipher --password password --decrypt puren_tonbo\tests\data\aesop_win_ccrypt.cpt

Build exes

Assuming in puren_tonbo directory from previous steps.

python ..\py2exe_setup.py py2exe
copy ..\sc1.exe dist\prog

post Build test

dist\prog\ptcipher.exe --list-formats
dist\prog\ptcipher.exe --password password --decrypt puren_tonbo\tests\data\aesop_win.openssl_aes256cbc_pbkdf2_10k
dist\prog\ptcipher.exe --password-prompt=gui puren_tonbo\tests\data\aesop_win.openssl_aes256cbc_pbkdf2_10k

Should have ~11-12Mb dist directory without Tkinter, with tk/tcl will be ~18Mb dist directory. May need to copy mfc and msvcrt 90 dlls from virtualenv AND also the base Python path the virtual env is based on.

  • TODO scite config
  • TODO scite lua
  • TODO wrapper batch file


TODO script, put into setup.py

call package.bat

    REM assuming in EncScite dir
    copy /y puren_tonbo\integrations\scite\pt_scite.lua SciTEStartup.lua

    7z a EncScite_release.zip SciTEStartup.lua SciTE.properties encscite.bat sc1.exe
    cd puren_tonbo\dist
    7z a ..\..\EncScite_release.zip lib prog