Pure Python 3.x and 2.x code for interacting with HanDBase (for Android). Home page https://github.com/clach04/handbase-py
The Android version of Handbase has a web interface that offers REST access to some functionality for import/export.
- TODO limits
- Encoding; UTF-8 is NOT supported. Appears to be latin1 based. http://www.ddhsoftware.com/knowledgebase.html?read=378&UID=2024010800125198.35.93.189 claims "Windows Latin 1", this appears to be incorrect as the Euro symbol is safely stored which is not part of latin1, it came much later in cp1252 / iso 8859-15.
Table of Contents
- handbase-py
- upload database, NOTE if already there will DUPLICATE records/rows!
- list databases
- download CSV
- convert into SQLite3 database, with correct encoding (utf-8)
- convert back into CSV
Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
- easy download from Android using HanDBase web server
- easy upload from Android using HanDBase web server
- SQLite3 import/export support, not just PDB and CSV
- Maximum number of fields 100 (version 4.x)
- looks like version 1.x was limited to 30 fields https://the-gadgeteer.com/1999/01/14/palm_os_database_comparison_review/#HanDbase
Max length 254 characters (actually bytes). Field defintion can limit length.
For missing/empty, empty string is used.
Range appears to be:
- -1410065407 (-1,410,065,407)
- 1215752191 (1,215,752,191) == 0x4876E7FF == 0b1001000011101101110011111111111
Can't figure this out
Appears to have an option to display digits after the decimal point, 0-4.
Max range unclear
Float-0 Ranges seen:
- -999999999999999
- 9000000000000000
Float-4 Ranges seen:
- -999999999999999
- 90000000001
In CSV, when not set (i.e. NULL/Empty), No Value
- unclear how a string value of same text would work, presumbly treated as NULL/Empty.
Looks like Pop-Up maybe relaetd to DB Pop-UP but this maybe two types? one a lookup the other string where appends/concatenates?
Unclear how Linked Parent/Child work
Boolean, in CSV export string 0
is False / UnChecked and 1
is True / Checked.
Appears to be an incrementing integer, starting at 1
Mono / Black and White image. Dimensions/Resolution: guessing 160x160 (original Palm Pilot screen res).
Whilst field/column is included in CSV always empty.
In CSV, when not set (i.e. NULL/Empty), No Date
- 1904-01-02
- 2031-12-31 also see https://www.ddhsoftware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4417#p18874
Where values can be manually or automatically set:
- Date Ask / Manually entered
- Date Added
- Date Modified
- Date Current
Values in CSV of No Date
indicate NULL/missing.
Format appears to be US format, viz. MM-DD-YYYY example 01/07/2024
In CSV, when not set (i.e. NULL/Empty), No Time
Similar to Date BUT without Current option
- Time Ask / Manually entered
- Time Added
- Time Modified
Values in CSV of No Time
indicate NULL/missing.
Database does appear to store seconds. CSV does NOT export seconds. this maybe a bug? https://www.ddhsoftware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=11228#p11229
Format appears to be AM/PM based, viz. "HH:MM Xm" and whilst the form appear to support/honor seconds CSV export does not. Examples 12:34 pm
and surprisingly 03:50 pm
(i.e., 2 digits for hour, and PM/AM is required) do not confused with 24 Hour format.
UNTESTED sending in 24 hour strings for Handbase to import.
Similar to Text but no control over max length. Supports 2000 bytes.
Indicates Column/Field is not used (other than a visual seperate on screen) BUT will show up in CSV export as empty value.
Can only generate results of types:
- number (float and pseudo integer)
- date-only
- time-only
can perform, for example string concatenation nor extraction. TODO see masks?
time is number of seconds for the day for math.
Download https://www.ddhsoftware.com/gallery.html?show=number&record=1727 Geek_Stuff by E. Cagle ASCII character table in HanDBase version 3 format (limited to 7-bit values)
# upload database, NOTE if already there will DUPLICATE records/rows! py -3 handbase/web/remote.py -u geek_stuff.pdb py -3 handbase/web/remote.py -l # see name is different from filename, note double quotes to escape filename spaces py -3 handbase/web/remote.py "Geek Stuff.csv"
Download https://www.ddhsoftware.com/gallery.html?show=number&record=802 Wines of Spain by Francis Torres IllescasL contains non-ascii characters
py -3 handbase/web/remote.py -u vinos3.pdb
py -3 handbase/web/remote.py -l
py -3 handbase/web/remote.py vinos3.csv
py -3 handbase/csv/csv2db.py vinos3.csv -d vinos3.sqlite3 -t vinos3
py -3 handbase/csv/db2csv.py vinos3.sqlite3 vinos3 >test.csv # FIXME Windows issues, make output a filename parameter
py -3 handbase/web/remote.py --ls
py -3 handbase/web/remote.py -l
py -3 handbase/web/remote.py -l
py -3 handbase/web/remote.py DBNAME.csv
py -3 handbase/web/remote.py DBNAME.pdb
py -3 handbase/web/remote.py -u demo.csv
Double quotes are NOT required unless data needs to be escaped. Data that needs escaping:
- newlines
- double quotes
Handbase expects a header line.
Encoding; UTF-8 is NOT supported. Appears to be latin1 based TODO find Palm pdb notes on character sets.
Checkbox False values are exported as 0
and True values are exported as 1
Python csv module writerow()
works fine with Handbase without any extra flags.
- https://github.com/wireservice/csvkit
- https://github.com/catherinedevlin/ddl-generator
- https://github.com/saulpw/visidata
- https://github.com/thombashi/sqlitebiter A CLI tool to convert CSV / Excel / HTML / JSON / Jupyter Notebook / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / SSV / TSV / Google-Sheets to a SQLite database file.
- https://github.com/simonw/sqlite-utils
- https://github.com/simonw/datasette
Demo SQLite3 database, exported in a format suitable for Handbase on Android to be imported via the web interface.
sqlite3 somedb.sqlite3 < demo.sql
py -3 ./handbase/csv/db2csv.py somedb.sqlite3 quotes
py -3 ./handbase/csv/db2csv.py somedb.sqlite3 quotes > demo.csv # FIXME needs work under Windows, works fine under Linux
When imported using http://androidphone:8000/csv_import.html into a new table should end up with two fields named to match the original schema both set to the TEXT datatype, with max length of "quote" to 71 (which matches the max string length in the demo). Try updating the 2nd column type to "Check-Box".
NOTE incomplete! Does not handle:
- file/string encoding
- NULL values
- Any datatypes, it handles strings (and does not warn about truncation, see note about encoding) and integers to some extent (no warings about truncated/unsupported values)
- Maximum number of fields check
Assuming demo above has been ran already and have a file called demo.csv
python handbase/csv/csv2db.py demo.csv -d test_delme.sqlite3 -t quotes
python2 handbase/csv/csv2db.py demo.csv -d test_delme.sqlite3 -t quotes
python3 handbase/csv/csv2db.py demo.csv -d test_delme.sqlite3 -t quotes
py -3 handbase/csv/csv2db.py demo.csv -d test_delme.sqlite3 -t quotes
sqlite3 test_delme.sqlite3 .dump
- datatypes
- appears to store integers as little-endian. I.e. storing 0x3eadbeef (1051573999) ends up with 0xefbead3e
- appears to store floats as strings
- still confused over ranges here and format.
- Maybe limited to 16 bytes storage (including negative sign, decimal marker (TBD, probably
) - also need to worry about in memory representation and rounding that it performs
- Assuming pop-ups treated as integer index to Pop-Up list/array
- Assuming Check-Box treated as (single-byte) integer
- TODO date
- TODO time
- delete records appear to be cleared out and not left remaining in the pdb.
- debian file (filemagic) can not id a HanDBase pdb file, reports it as "data"
- head of file appears to be the database name (and some sort of meta data) in fixed format (NUL terminated/filled)
at offset 0x3c (60)HanDB
variable location, around offset 0x3c0 - 0x3d0- after this section field/column metadata present
- there are 20 instances of a byte sequence which looks like an extract of the 7-bit US-ASCII table, but it is truncated, " !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[/]^_`abc"
- Some maybe related to Views/Forms?
shows up a few times as some sort of seperator, probably NOT related to number of fields/columns in one table with 16-17 columns saw occurence count=11. For 2 column table (2 rows) saw 4 times.- Seen within a few bytes of pop-up values list values
- Consistently seen within a few bytes of each row record
- Seen before ONE buffer of Note (2000) field data (maybe related to Signature/Drawing/Sketch)... but not consistently. Seen before empty/null Note (2000) but also NOT seen before Note (2000) buffer