
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Useful tools to work with Rlocker project API

Quick Start

Normal installation

pip install rlockertools


git clone https://github.com/red-hat-storage/rlockertools.git
cd rlockertools
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ./
rlock --help

usage: rlock [-h] --server-url SERVER_URL --token TOKEN [--release] [--lock] [--resume-on-connection-error] [--signoff SIGNOFF] [--priority PRIORITY] [--search-string SEARCH_STRING] [--link LINK] [--interval INTERVAL] [--attempts ATTEMPTS]

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --server-url SERVER_URL The URL of the Resource Locker Server --token TOKEN Token of the user that creates API calls --release Use this argument to release a resource --lock Use this argument to lock a resource --resume-on-connection-error Use this argument in case you don't want to break queue execution in the middle of waiting for queue status being FINISHED --signoff SIGNOFF Use this when lock=True, locking a resource requires signoff --priority PRIORITY Use this when lock=True, specify the level of priority the resource should be locked --search-string SEARCH_STRING Use this when lock=True, specify the lable or the name of the lockable resource --link LINK Use this when lock=True, specify the link of the CI/CD pipeline that locks the resource --interval INTERVAL Use this when lock=True, how many seconds to wait between each call while checking for a free resource --attempts ATTEMPTS Use this when lock=True, how many times to create an API call that will check for a free resource

## Usage Examples

### To add a queue for locking a resource

rlock --lock --server-url=your.rlocker.instance.com --token=YOURTOKEN --search-string=nameorlabel --signoff=YOURUNIQUESIGNOFF --priority=3 --interval=15 --attempts=15

To release a locked resource (filtration by signoff only)

rlock --release --server-url=your.rlocker.instance.com --token=YOURTOKEN --signoff=YOURUNIQUESIGNOFF