Codealong for Web - Units 3 & 4


  • Node >= 16.x (use current LTS version)
  • NPM >= 8.x (upgrade executing npm i -g npm)
  • Chrome >= 100.x

❗ Other browser/Node/NPM configurations might work but haven't been tested.

Nice To Haves

  • Postman HTTP client or similar.
  • React Devtools & Redux Devtools Chrome extensions.

Set Up

  1. Clone repo and npm install and npm run resetdb.
  2. Launch the project in a development server executing npm run dev.
  3. Visit your app by navigating to http://localhost:3000 with Chrome.


  1. Admin, username: admin password: admin
  2. Non-admin, username: foo password: 1234

Feel free to register additional accounts (will be non-admin).


  • Anonymous users can answer multiple-choice questions, but stats aren't stored.
  • Registered users have access to their stats stored in the backend.
  • Admin users can create new multiple-choice questions.