
Home theater PC on Lightsail with Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, Bazarr, Ombi, NZBGet, NZBHydra, Letsencrypt, DuckDNS

Primary LanguageShell


Home theater PC on Lightsail with Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, Ombi, NZBGet, NZBHydra, Letsencrypt, DuckDNS

Edit config

Edit the following lines in user-data.txt

EXTRA_DOMAINS=example.com #Optional

Create instance

Create AWS Lightsail instance via AWS Lightsail CLI

aws lightsail create-instances --instance-names "htpc-vm" --availability-zone eu-west-2a --blueprint-id centos_7_1901_01 --bundle-id medium_2_0 --user-data file://user-data.txt

You can find the script in /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt on the instance

Configure instance

Open ports

aws lightsail open-instance-public-ports --port-info fromPort=443,toPort=443,protocol=TCP --instance-name htpc-vm
aws lightsail open-instance-public-ports --port-info fromPort=32400,toPort=32400,protocol=TCP --instance-name htpc-vm

Assign static IP (optional)

Static IP addresses are free only while attached to an instance. You can manage five at no additional cost.

aws lightsail allocate-static-ip --static-ip-name htpc-vm-static-ip
aws lightsail attach-static-ip --static-ip-name htpc-vm-static-ip --instance-name htpc-vm
aws lightsail get-static-ip --static-ip-name htpc-vm-static-ip | grep ipAddress

Create snapshot (optional)

aws lightsail create-instance-snapshot \
    --instance-name htpc-vm \
    --instance-snapshot-name htpc-vm-snapshot

Restore snapshot (optional)

aws lightsail create-instances-from-snapshot \
    --instance-snapshot-name htpc-vm-snapshot \
    --instance-names htpc-vm \
    --availability-zone eu-west-2a \
    --bundle-id medium_2_0

Application Setup

The applications are available at the following urls with the user/password configured (default: admin/password)

Download the key file here

chmod 600 LightsailDefaultKey-eu-central-1.pem 

Obtain the public IP

aws lightsail get-instance --instance-name lightsail-htpc-eu-central-vm | grep publicIpAddress

Forward Ombi port (3579) and Plex port (32400) and start configuring the applications via http://localhost:3579 http://localhost:32400/web

ssh -i LightsailDefaultKey-eu-central-1.pem  centos@PUBLIC_IP -L 3579:localhost:3579 -L 32400:localhost:32400