
Documentation for iniVation products. THIS IS A MIRROR. ORIGINAL PROJECT LIVES AT https://gitlab.com/inivation/inivation-docs

Primary LanguageC++


Documentation for iniVation products.

Links to html web pages

Advanced configurations

Application notes

Hardware user guides


Software user guides

Hints on to write .md to have good html rendering


don't use raw links, as: https://github.com/inivation/inivation-docs; use instead [https://github.com/inivation/inivation-docs](https://github.com/inivation/inivation-docs) otherwise it does not work the automatic linking, when rendered


when doing internal links, put "-" for each space present in the title, NOT CONSIDERING symbols, like "/" or "."

For example, a title like "# hello / hello - hello" must be referenced as ref

Pay attention that this can also not work with offline markdown visualisers, but with GitHub works!

Create separation for test -------------------------------------------------

Create separation for test -------------------------------------------------

Create separation for test -------------------------------------------------

Create separation for test -------------------------------------------------

Create separation for test -------------------------------------------------

Create separation for test -------------------------------------------------

Create separation for test -------------------------------------------------

Create separation for test -------------------------------------------------

Create separation for test -------------------------------------------------

hello / hello - hello


If the symbols are in the word, for example "# hello.hello" just skip them. In this case, it will be [ref](#hellohello)


If html does not render properly from some point of the document to the end, probably there is a html tag wrong.

For example you can have created erroneously a not recognised tag, like:


Another possibility is that you have not closed an open html tag, like:

    1. <p align="center"><img src="media/eDVS_force_program.png" width="600">
    2. <p align="center"><img src="media/eDVS_force_program.png" width="600"/>
    3. <p align="center"><img src="media/eDVS_force_program.png" width="600"/></p>

In the first case, i didn't close the image tag and the <p align="center" one.

In the second case i closed the image tag, but still not the <p align="center" one.

The third one is properly written


Leave a space between a title and a table, for example:

# My title
| First col     | Second col    | 
| ------------- | ------------- |
| first row     | first row     |
| second row    | second row    |
| third row     | third row     |

Is not rendered properly, while:

# My title

| First col     | Second col    | 
| ------------- | ------------- |
| first row     | first row     |
| second row    | second row    |
| third row     | third row     |

Will be rendered properly


Don't put the alignment of images when you want to place them inside a table:

<p align="center"><img ... /></p>

It would render also the html command!

Notes on files

The comments in markdown files must be done in the following way:

    comments on more lines

<!--comments inline-->

Other ways does not work on GitHub and will be rendered.


Links that do not work. Present in:

  • User guide - cAER

<!--TO CHANGE-->

Links that refers to iniVation or to not updated websites. Present in all but for "Application Notes" files and AEDAT file formats.

<!--TO CREATE-->

Links that are clearly not created, or there is no section at the moment. Present in:

  • User Guide - Synchronisation of dynamic sensor prototypes and stereo configurations