
UX Comments

  1. The Performance Review 2015 link is obviously important for the client as it is highlighted in a different colour with a border. The position in the desktop site is fairly prominent but I would suggest moving it nearer to the center of the page so it's more obvious, perhaps just above the Read More button. The position could also move: the information in the Performance Review might be more relevant depending on the time of year. In the mobile view it completely vanishes and is behind a tap (probably on the burger menu icon and then possibly at the bottom of this list). Again, I would put this near the Read More button. This way returning visitors to the site could easily find it but new customers can still find out more about the company without having to wade through irrelevant links.

  2. I would remove the picture from the grid in the mobile view as this doesn't add anything to the user's experience (e.g. there's no visual product to sell) and could possibly affect the site's performance.

  3. I think the desktop site is missing a footer - even if it the design is very minimal I think that it's expected for a business's website that there would be some information at the bottom, e.g. address, copyright, awards/accreditation, social media links or the same links in the navbar at the top of the page. However the mobile site does not need this extra information, but it should be accessible from a link within the hamburger menu.

  4. The '+' in the Read More button is also ambiguous. It implies that there will be an expandable area in this page instead of a link: I would not place expandable content in the homepage: I think that the point of this page is to quickly and succinctly explain what the company does and provide links to other areas of the site where users can find out more. I would replace the Read More button with a link that says "Find out More" with an arrow or left-pointing chevron that takes the user to another page.

Design Suggestions

  1. In the desktop version I would have hover effects on the top navbar: perhaps something simple like an underline and the color changing to a darker grey.

  2. In the desktop version I would also have hover effects on the grid. The background should change colour and a transparent image should zoom up from the bottom to fill the grid background. There would be a sentence summarising what the Service is and a link to another section of the website. In the mobile version I would make the dividers between the grid sqaures more obvious, and have each section navigate to the relevant page when tapped.