
🖨 Command line tool to make life a tiny bit easier while working with Magento

Primary LanguageJavaScript


For when you get fed up of working out the app/design location of a vendor file in Magento.

When given a valid path to a module file in the vendor directory, it will create the correct override file in app/design. See the test/ directory for examples.

Using locally

Clone the repo and from the room run npm i -g - now you can run this from anywhere on your machine!

Vendor is currently Vendor and theme is default, so override these as command line arguments - vendor name first and theme name second, e.g.

copyplate vendor/magento/module-wishlist/view/frontend/web/js/wtf.js MyVendor myTheme
# creates app/design/frontend/MyVendor/myTheme/Magento_Wishlist/web/js/wtf.js

Testing locally

npm run babel
mkdir -p vendor/magento/module-wishlist/view/frontend/web/js
echo FU >> vendor/magento/module-wishlist/view/frontend/web/js/wtf.js
# If installed globally with npm i -g:
copyplate vendor/magento/module-wishlist/view/frontend/web/js/wtf.js
# Otherwise
node dist/copyplate.js vendor/magento/module-wishlist/view/frontend/web/js/wtf.js MyVendor myTheme
less app/design/frontend/MyVendor/myTheme/Magento_Wishlist/web/js/wtf.js


Compile with babel src/ -d dist/.

Run tests with npm t.

Run as shell script with the hashbang at the top #!/usr/bin/env node, make sure the file is executable (chmod u+x myscript.js) and then run with .dist/copyplate.js.


  • Make vendor name customisable
  • Make theme name customisable (write tests)
  • More tests for bad input
  • Be able to copy to app/code: only does app/design for now: set --flag for this
  • Handle absolute paths: only handles vendor/... for now
  • Change theme and vendor to --flags
  • Write better log messages - print out path of new file on success