
A bot for blocking typosquat nitro scams in Discord

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A BYOD (Bring your own deployment) Discord bot for blocking typosquat attacks common with Nitro scams and informing users their account may have been compromised.


  • Protect your server channels from spreading annoying scams to other users
  • Automatically deletes messages that contain typosquat links like https://discrode.gift/redeem/FHKjdsfsjkhU
  • DMs users informing them that their account may have been compromised. Informs them to change password/add 2FA if necessary
  • (Optional) Logs details of each spam block event to a specified MOD_CHANNEL_ID


  • Prevent users from @everyone tagging. If you want to prevent that, update your Discord server member tagging settings
  • Prevent DM spam to users (that's out of your server's control)


Typosquat links are commonly used in Nitro scams to lure server members into revealing personal data that compromises their account and spams malicious links. The links look "legit" at a glance because they are slight mispellings of the Discord domain.

This bot uses a Levenshtein distance threshold to detect potential spam messages. Levenshtein distance is calculated with package fastest-levenshtein

For example, while https://discord.com is safe, the following domains that differ by 4 edits or less will trigger the bot:

  • https://discrod.com ("discrod" = distance 2)
  • http://discrod.com ("discrod" = distance 2)
  • https://discrode.gift/FHFHsijvdiU ("discrode" = distance 3)
  • http://www.ddiscord.gift/nitro/redeem ("ddiscord" = distance 1)

If a message contains a link that looks suspicious by this standard, the message is automatically deleted and the user is informed in a direct message. Optional logging of these attacks can be sent to a specified Discord channel.

Example of notification logged to mod channel:

Example DM sent to user who sent offending link:

Setting up

Create Discord app/bot

  1. Create a new app in Discord Developer Portal

  2. Enable Intents: Server Members, Server Messages

  1. Create bot on app

Deploy bot

  1. Deploy this Discord bot code somewhere (Suggestions for free hosting: Railway or Heroku)
  2. Set up environment variables:


The Discord App Client ID from the App you made in your Discord Developer Portal


The Discord Bot Token for the bot you created on your app

MOD_CHANNEL_ID (OPTIONAL but recommended)

Channel ID for Discord channel to log events. I recommend a private channel for mods. You can find channel IDs by enabling developer mode in Discord

Invite link

Too add the bot to your server with proper permissions, copy this link, replace YOUR_APP_CLIENT_ID with your app client ID, and paste into a browser. Follow the prompt on screen



Install npm i

Follow steps in "Create Discord app/bot" above for a sandbox server.

Set up local config with

  1. cp .env.example .env
  2. Update the variable values in .env only

Start dev server

yarn dev