
quick & dirty blog generator

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

quick & dirty blog generator

with an emphasis on dirty

Uses custom Markdown to generate html "story" pages

  • _story_title : Story Title
  • _date_posted : Posted or updated date (ex. _date_posted Posted Jan. 1, 1863 or _date_posted Updated Jan. 1, 1864)
  • _references : References header (will always be "References")
  • story_list_title : Story title on main blog page
  • _large_blockquote : Blockquote but a bit larger, with even bigger quotation marks
  • # : H1
  • ## : H2
  • ### : H3
    -** **: Bold
  • > : Blockquote
  • '```': Code block,
  • Images use modified markdown to allow for setting width
    ![Alt text](https://path/to/image.jpg width="500" 'Image caption')
  • - : Reference list item
  • Anything else will be treated as a paragraph and fed through the real Markdown formatter

To generate blog index page and story pages

Install requirements

Change blog title if "quick & dirty blog" isn't good enough

See setting BLOG_TITLE in quick_and_dirty_blog.settings

Create Markdown files for stories

Create Markdown files with extension ".md" and put them in INPUT_PAGES_DIR
Any images go in INPUT_IMAGES_DIR Stylesheet is called style.css and goes in root INPUT_DIR

Start up Django application

python manage.py runserver

Open blog generation page in browser

Under Generate blog, click "hold my beer"

Blog generator page

Output files will end up in the following places

  • OUTPUT_DIR: index.html and style.css
  • OUTPUT_PAGES_DIR: story pages