
Best Music Hack Winner from HobbyHacks 2020. Play notes to control movements in this innovative game!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

doremi SMASH!

Our submission to HobbyHacks 2020 that won Best Music Hack!!

Inspired by auto-scroll games like Mario, Flappy Bird, and Geometry Dash, our game is unique in that it integrates music into its controls. As former musicians ourselves, we know that practicing can get monotonous, and we wanted to ensure that aspiring musicians wouldn’t be discouraged, especially when they cannot play grandiose songs upon first learning. Here’s the backstory: you're at a concert (with your instrument of choice, of course) when suddenly, it starts pouring concrete! By some miracle, there's no concrete on you. Alas, everyone else is stuck, including the musicians. But the show must go on! To save the musicians, play C, D, and E to move forwards, backwards, and jump, all while playing the notes on each musician to break them out of their predicament. Be careful, though--if you wait too long, the concrete will harden and the musician will be trapped forever.Inspired by auto-scroll games like Mario, Flappy Bird, and Geometry Dash, our game is unique in that it integrates music into its controls. You're at a concert (with your instrument of choice, of course) when suddenly, it starts pouring concrete! By some miracle, there's no concrete on you. Alas, everyone else is stuck, including the musicians. But the show must go on! To save the musicians, play C, D, and E to move forwards, backwards, and jump, all while playing the notes on each musician to break them out of their predicament. Be careful, though--if you wait too long, the concrete will harden and the musician will be trapped forever!

1. https://github.com/qiuxiang/tuner
2. https://github.com/Beat0154/easiest-game-ever