
Find stocks with Volatility Contraction Pattern (VCP)

Primary LanguagePython

Stock Screener

This Volatility Contraction Pattern (VCP) screener was created with Python version 3.9 using yahoo finance API.

It will go through a list of stocks from benchmark stocks and watchlist stocks to look for high performance stocks with Volatility Contraction Pattern (VCP).


  1. Install the below package by following commands

setup virtual environment

  python3 -m venv env
  source env/bin/activate

get stock data from yfinance and pandas to process data

  python3 -m pip install pandas yfinance pandas-datareader yahoo_fin

calculate slope

  python3 -m pip install scipy 

for plot graph

  python3 -m pip install plotly

show progress bar when running

  python3 -m pip install tqdm 

concurrent programming

  python3 -m pip install futures 
  1. Update the watchlist in data//vcp_watchlist.csv to compare the stocks against benchmark, eg. S&P500 for US. Or the program will only use benchmark stocks to find which one has VCP patterns.

How to run the program

  1. Run the below
  python3 vcp_stock_screener.py 
  1. This program will combine the watchlist stocks with the benchmark stocks to look for the top 30% high performance stocks and see which stocks has Volatility Contraction Pattern (VCP) pattern.

  2. After the program completed, it will generate the stock chart of the stocks which fulfill VCP requirement in output folder.


  1. Rewrite the backtest
  2. Change the watchlist to include more stocks in different markets
  3. Migrate to DB instead of rely on yfinance data


  • DO NOT use the result provided by the software 'solely' to make your trading decisions.
  • Always backtest and analyze the stocks manually before you trade.
  • The Author and the software will not be held liable for your losses.