License: MIT

Team Profile Generator

Table of Contents


Using Node, this app generates HTML elements for a website team page custom to the user’s inputs. Following the instructions on the command line, the user can create a manager, engineer, intern contact cards formatted with the Bootstrap CSS framework.

Watch the video demonstration here.


In order to use this app, you will need to have Node installed. In your command line change directory to the Develop folder and run an npm install. This will install all necessary npm packages to successfully run this app.


After installing all necessary packages, run node app.js. You will then be prompted to add information relevant to the manager. After completion you will have the following option to either add an intern, add an engineer, or to finish your team. Navigating to and selection the intern option enables you to custom define a new intern element in your final HTML page. Selecting the engineer option will enable you to custom define a new engineer element in your final HTML page. Both of these options are repeatable as many times as necessary for your team. Once you have entered all of your necessary information, selecting the Finish team option will finalize and print out your inputs into HTML elements. To access the final product, move to the Output directory to view your custom page!


As this is a project for the UPenn LPS Bootcamp, contributions will not be accepted. Any interested parties may reach me at


Have a question? You can reach me at: