Clarissa Liljander
Sverrir Steindorsson
Front End: React v.16.10.2, Semantic UI, CSS
Back End: N/a
Testing frameworks: Cypress, Jest, Enzyme
Deployed at: Netlify
This repository contains our solution to the BMI Calculator challenge revisited in React.
- React
- Enzyme
- Cypress
- Sinon
- Yarn
- Semantic UI for React
To test this application you need to fork it to your own GitHub account and clone it to your local workspace.
To install all of the dependencies:
$ yarn install
To run the unit tests:
$ yarn test
To start cypress and run the feature tests:
$ yarn run cy:open
To start the application and run it on your local host:
$ yarn start
When time given, we would love to improve the styling.
This project is under the MIT-license.
Thank you Craft Academy for giving us this assignment.