
Monitor & control utility for Tadoº Smart Thermostat devices

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tado utility

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Monitor & control utility Tadoº Smart Thermostat devices.

Breaking changes in 0.15

New executable

The binary tado-monitor has been renamed to tado and now offers multiple subcommands. The Docker image built as part of the release continues to run the exporter/monitoring function. So if you're using the Docker image, this will be transparent to you.

New rules syntax

With the introduction of "Home" rules, the syntax for zone rules has been reworked. See the section Controlling your Tado devices for details. If you're not using the rules-based controller, this will be transparent to you.


tado offers two types of functionality:

  • tado monitor runs an exporter to expose metrics to Prometheus and, if configured, a controller to manage the thermostat settings in your home & rooms.
  • tado config displays the different zones & mobile devices for your account.


Docker images for tado monitor are available on ghcr.io.


Command-line options

The following command-line arguments can be passed:

tado [command]

Available Commands:
completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config      Show Tado configuration
help        Help about any command
monitor     Monitor Tado thermostats

Configuration file

The configuration file option specifies a yaml file to control the behaviour:

# Set to true to enable debug logging
debug: false
# Section for Prometheus exporter functionality
    # Listener address for the Prometheus metrics server
    addr: :9090
# Section related to polling Tado for new metrics
    # How often we should poll for new metrics
    interval: 30s
# Section related to the /health endpoint
    # Listener address for the /health endpoint
  addr: :8080
# Section containing Tado credentials
    username: ""
    password: ""
    clientsecret: ""
# Section for controller functionality
        # When set, the controller will start a slack bot. See below for details
        enabled: true
        # Slackbot token value
        token: ""

If the filename is not specified on the command line, the program looks for a file config.yaml in the following directories:


Any value in the configuration file may be overriden by setting an environment variable with a prefix TADO_MONITOR_. E.g. to avoid setting your Tado credentials in the configuration file, set the following environment variables:

export TADO_MONITOR_TADO.USERNAME="username@example.com"
export TADO_MONITOR_TADO.PASSWORD="your-password"

Tadoº credentials

In case you run into authentication problems, you may need to retrieve your CLIENT_SECRET and add it to the "tado" configuration section (or set it as a environment variable). To get your CLIENT_SECRET, log into tado.com and visit https://my.tado.com/webapp/env.js. The client secret can be found in the oauth section:

var TD = {
	config: {
		oauth: {
			clientSecret: 'verylongclientsecret'

Controlling your Tado devices

tado monitor will look for a file rules.yaml in the same directory it found the config.yaml file described above. This file defines the rules to apply for your home:

# Home rules control the state of your home (i.e. "home" or "away").
  # autoAway sets the home to "away" mode when all defined users are away from home.
    delay: 1h
    users: [ "A", "B"]
# Zone rules control the state of a rooom within your home. Rules will either switch heating off when all users are away,
# or move the room to automatic mode when the room's been in manual mode for a while (think someone switching the bathroom
# to a manual temperature setting and then forgetting to switch it back to automatic mode).
  - name: "room 1"
      # autoAway switches off the heating in a room when all defined users are away from home
        delay: 1h
        users: ["A"]
      # limitOverlay removes a manual temperature control after a specified amount of time
        delay: 1h
      # nightTime removes any manual temperature control at a specified time of day
        time: "23:30:00"

If the file does not exist, tado monitor will only run as a Prometheus exporter.


Adding tado as a target

Add tado as a target to let Prometheus scrape the metrics into its database. This highly depends on your particular Prometheus configuration. In its simplest form, add a new scrape target to prometheus.yml:

- job_name: tado
  - targets: [ '<tado host>:<port>' ]

where is the Prometheus listener port configured in exporter.addr in the configuration file (the default being 9090).


tado exposes the following metrics:

General metrics

metric type help
tado_outside_temp_celsius GAUGE Current outside temperature in degrees celsius
tado_solar_intensity_percentage GAUGE Current solar intensity in percentage (0-100)
tado_weather GAUGE Current weather. Always one. See label 'tado_weather'

Metrics by Zone

The following metrics are reported for each discovered zone. The zone name is added as 'zone_name' label.

metric type help
tado_zone_device_battery_status GAUGE Tado device battery status
tado_zone_device_connection_status GAUGE Tado device connection status
tado_zone_heating_percentage GAUGE Current heating percentage in this zone in percentage (0-100)
tado_zone_humidity_percentage GAUGE Current humidity percentage in this zone
tado_zone_open_window_duration GAUGE Duration of open window event in seconds
tado_zone_open_window_remaining GAUGE Remaining duration of open window event in seconds
tado_zone_power_state GAUGE Power status of this zone
tado_zone_target_manual_mode GAUGE 1 if this zone is in manual temp target mode
tado_zone_target_temp_celsius GAUGE Target temperature of this zone in degrees celsius
tado_zone_temperature_celsius GAUGE Current temperature of this zone in degrees celsius

Mobile device home/away status metrics

Tado reports the home/away status of registered mobile devices. See device name is added as 'name' label.

metric type help
tado_mobile_device_status GAUGE Tado mobile device status. 1 if the device is "home"


The repo contains a sample Grafana dashboard to visualize the scraped metrics.

Feel free to customize as you see fit.

Slack bot

tado monitor can run a Slack bot that will report on any rules being triggered:


Users can also interact with the bot:


TadoBot supports the following commands:

  • rules: show any activated rules
  • rooms: show temperature & settings on each room
  • users: show the status of each user (home/away)
  • set: sets the room's target temperature, optionally for a limited duration:
    • set Bathroom 23.5: sets the bathroom's target temperature to 23.5ºC
    • set Bathroom 23.5 1h: same, but switches back to automatic mode after 1 hour
    • set Study auto: sets the study to automatic temperature control
  • version: show version
  • help: show all available commands

To enable the bot, add a bot to the workspace's Custom Integrations and add the API Token in the configuration file above (controller.tadobot.token).

Tado Client API

The Tado Client API implementation can be found in GitHub. The API should be fairly stable at this point, so feel free to reuse for your own projects.


  • Christophe Lambin



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.