
Primary LanguageCSS

Multiplication by 'Oragami Games' (Oragami Games is a ficticious name)


Lead HTML/CSS - Christopher Lamlamay | Lead Javascript - Traci Williams


This was our first group project at General Assembly. This was the second week of class after we fully immersed in HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT/JQUERY.

Traci and myself have a passion for Education from teaching to policy reform. We wanted to create a game in the short 24 hours we were given.

Practice your third grade math skills with our simple multiplication game.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • jQuery
  • JavaScript


  1. Game idea sketches, extremely simple wireframes.
  2. Collaborate on the HTML structure.
  3. Divide HTML/CSS (Christopher) and Javascript (Traci).
  4. Merge and Test Code.
  5. Deploy on Github/Heroku when completed.


The game has been updated from Javascript to jQuery. Less code and easy on the eyes. This game made me (Christopher) realize that I still count on my fingers.