This repository is used to manage a static blog generated with hugo and published in S3.
Its deployment is tested and automated using cirlceCI (infrastructure generated in terraform is not included), using config.yml file in this repository. The instructions below are to manage this repository manually.
Also, contains terraform and other supporting code to manage infrastructure.
The tools used are: terraform, rspec, docker, gohugo and amazon cli.
Terraform is used to create necessary resources in AWS: S3 bucket. Route53 record is set manually.
Terraform state file is configured to be store in S3; to configure the remote state:
export TFENV=prod
terraform remote config -backend=s3 -backend-config="bucket=example-backups" -backend-config="key=terraform/tf_infra_bucket/$TFENV/terraform.tfstate" -backend-config="region=us-east-1"
Change tf and vars files, plan and apply changes.
terraform plan
terraform apply
Terraform plan includes special resource "infra-test" (see terraform plan). It simply executes local script after terraform apply is completed. To initiate a run for the script, you should 'taint' (mark for recreation) this null resource.
Add required Ruby gems:
cd terraform/awspec
Then run terraform plan and see tests passing. You can run them manually with rspec
in terraform/awspec.
cd terraform
terraform taint null_resource.infra-tests
terraform plan
terraform apply
You should see terraform ideally has no changes to apply, then recreates 'null resource' and runs tests.
To build image, run following command in the docker-hugo-blog
docker build -t clamorisse/hugo:0.14 .
To work with the site content, cd to the folder
For development, please run docker with these options in the hugo-site-s3/content-hugo-blog
docker run --rm -it -p 1313:1313 -v ~/devopsing/hugo-site-s3/content-hugo-blog/:/usr/src/blog clamorisse/hugo:0.14 hugo server --watch --baseUrl=http://docker-default-ip:1313 --bind
To publish changes (it should be done automatically by a build/deployment server), run this commands:
cd hugo-site-s3/content-hugo-blog
docker run --rm -it -p 1313:1313 -v $(PWD)/:/usr/src/blog clamorisse/hugo:0.14 hugo
aws s3 sync public/ s3://your-bucket-name/