
Infrastructure and Hugo site hosted in AWS-S3

Primary LanguageCSS


Website Automation

For Workers' Health and Safety Legal Clinic

This repository is used to manage a static website hosted in AWS S3.

The basic infrastructure needed to deploy the website is generated using Terraform found in infrastructure/terraform/ and is tested using rspec. This part is done manually.

The website is generated using a docker cointainer for Hugo that is tested and deployed using CircleCI.

The website section in this repository can be further managed using forestry.io to easily generate content using a markdown editor.

The tools used are: terraform, rspec, docker, gohugo and amazon cli.

Instructions to manage this repository manually


Terraform is used to create the necessary resources in AWS: user for CircleCI, production and stage S3 buckets, a bucket for the Newsletters, Route53 zone and records. A separate terraform plan is use to create a S3 bucket with version control to store the terraform state.

Remote configuration state for terraform.

Make sure you have AWS configured with a file ~/.aws/credentials:

aws_access_key_id = xxxxxxxx
aws_secret_access_key = xxxxxxxx

To create bucket for terrafrom remote state go to infrastructure/terraform/tfstate-bucket/ and run

terraform plan
terraform apply

Then go to the directory infrastructure/terraform/global/ and modify terraform.tfvars files to have the name of the AWS profile you want to use. Then run the script to configure the remote state:

. ./tfstate_remote_global.sh

Deploying infrastructure with terraform:

Now you can change the .tf and .tfvars, plan and apply changes:

terraform plan
terraform apply

Building docker gohugo image

This repository builds and deploys automatically using CircleCI.

To build image, run following command in the docker-hugo-site directory.

docker build -t clamorisse/hugo:0.15 .

Website: development and publishing

To work with the site content, get to the repository root directory.

For development, run docker with these options:

docker run -d -p 1313:1313 --name hugotest -v $(pwd)/:/usr/src/blog clamorisse/hugo:0.15 hugo server --baseUrl=http//localhost/ --watch --bind=

To publish changes manually run this commands:

docker run -v $(pwd)/:/usr/src/blog clamorisse/hugo:0.15 hugo --baseUrl=http://baseUrl/
docker run -d -p 1313:1313 --name hugoprod -v $(pwd)/:/usr/src/blog clamorisse/hugo:0.15 hugo server --baseUrl=http://baseUrl/ --appendPort=false --bind=
aws s3 rm s3://workers-safety.ca/ --recursive
aws s3 sync public/ s3://bucket-name/
aws s3 sync newsletter-list/publico/ s3://newsletter-bucket-name