BooPickle is the fastest and most size efficient serialization (aka pickling) library that works on both Scala and Scala.js. It encodes into a binary format instead of the more customary JSON. A binary format brings efficiency gains in both size and speed, at the cost of legibility of the encoded data. BooPickle borrows heavily from both uPickle and Prickle so special thanks to Li Haoyi and Ben Hutchison for those two great libraries!
- Supports both Scala and Scala.js (no reflection!)
- Serialization support for all primitives, collections, options, tuples and case classes (including class hierarchies)
- User-definable custom serializers
- Transforming serializers to simplify serializing non-case classes
- Handles references and deduplication of identical objects
- Very fast
- Very efficient coding
- Low memory usage, no intermediate structures needed
- Zero dependencies
- Scala 2.11/2.12
- All modern browsers are supported (not IE9 and below, though)
Add following dependency declaration to your Scala project
"me.chrons" %% "boopickle" % "1.2.5"
On a Scala.js project the dependency looks like this
"me.chrons" %%% "boopickle" % "1.2.5"
To use it in your code, simply import the Default object contents. All examples in this document assume this import is present.
import boopickle.Default._
To serialize (pickle) something, just call Pickle.intoBytes
with your data. This will produce a binary ByteBuffer
containing an encoded version
of your data.
val data = Seq("Hello", "World!")
val buf = Pickle.intoBytes(data)
And to deserialize (unpickle) the buffer, call Unpickle.fromBytes
, specifying the type of your data. BooPickle doesn't encode any type information,
so you must use the same types when pickling and unpickling.
val helloWorld = Unpickle[Seq[String]].fromBytes(buf)
BooPickle has built-in support for most of the typical Scala types, including
- primitives:
- common types:
- collections, both mutable and immutable, including:
s and anyIterable
with aCanBuildFrom
implementation case class
es andcase object
s (via a macro)trait
s as a base for a class hierarchy
By default, BooPickle encodes zero type information, which makes it impossible to directly encode a class hierarchy like below and decode it
just by specifying the parent type Fruit
trait Fruit {
val weight: Double
def color: String
case class Banana(weight: Double) extends Fruit {
def color = "yellow"
case class Kiwi(weight: Double) extends Fruit {
def color = "brown"
case class Carambola(weight: Double) extends Fruit {
def color = "yellow"
As this is such a common situation, BooPickle provides a helper class CompositePickler
to build a custom pickler for composite types. For the case
above, all you need to do is to define an implicit pickler like this, utilizing the compositePickler
function from Default
implicit val fruitPickler = compositePickler[Fruit].
Now you can freely pickle any Fruit
and when unpickling, BooPickle will know what type to decode.
val fruits: Seq[Fruit] = Seq(Kiwi(0.5), Kiwi(0.6), Carambola(5.0), Banana(1.2))
val bb = Pickle.intoBytes(fruits)
val u = Unpickle[Seq[Fruit]].fromBytes(bb)
assert(u == fruits)
Note that internally CompositePickler
encodes types using indices, so they must be specified in the same order on both sides!
BooPickle needs to know the type when pickling to deserialize to the correct type, thus this fails
val b = Banana(1.0)
val bb = Pickle.intoBytes(b)
assert(Unpickle[Banana].fromBytes(bb) == b) // This produces Banana
val bb2 = Pickle.intoBytes(b)
assert(Unpickle[Fruit].fromBytes(bb2) == null) // This produces null
Instead when pickling declare the parent type
val f: Fruit = Banana(1.0)
val bf = Pickle.intoBytes(f)
assert(Unpickle[Fruit].fromBytes(bf) == f) // This produces a Fruit
If you have a recursive composite type (a sub type has a reference to the super type), you need to build the CompositePickler
in two steps,
as shown below.
sealed trait Tree
case object Leaf extends Tree
case class Node(value: Int, children:Seq[Tree]) extends Tree
object Tree {
implicit val treePickler = compositePickler[Tree]
This is because the compiler must find a pickler for Tree
when it's building a pickler for Node
If your type hierarchy is sealed
then you can take advantage of the automatic pickler generation feature of BooPickle. A macro automatically generates
the required CompositePickler
for you, as long as the trait is sealed
. For example lets change the Fruit
trait to be sealed, so that compiler
knows all its descendants will be defined in the same file and the macro can find them.
sealed trait Fruit {
val weight: Double
def color: String
Now you can directly pickle your fruits without manually defining a CompositePickler
val fruits: Seq[Fruit] = Seq(Kiwi(0.5), Kiwi(0.6), Carambola(5.0), Banana(1.2))
val bb = Pickle.intoBytes(fruits)
val u = Unpickle[Seq[Fruit]].fromBytes(bb)
assert(u == fruits)
Note that for some hierarchies the automatic generation may not work (due to Scala compiler limitations), but you can always fall back to the
manually defined CompositePickler
Also note that due to the way macros generate picklers, each time you need an implicit instance of the pickler, new classes (and .class
will be generated. And not just for the top level trait, but for all implementing classes as well. If you have a large class hierarchy, this adds up
rather quickly! Below you can see the results of pickling a trait twice in the code.
Size Name
2,798 MacroPickleTests$$anonfun$tests$8$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$14$TraitPickler$macro$25$2$CCPickler$macro$26$2$.class
2,798 MacroPickleTests$$anonfun$tests$8$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$16$TraitPickler$macro$33$2$CCPickler$macro$34$2$.class
3,498 MacroPickleTests$$anonfun$tests$8$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$14$TraitPickler$macro$25$2$CCPickler$macro$27$2$.class
3,498 MacroPickleTests$$anonfun$tests$8$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$16$TraitPickler$macro$33$2$CCPickler$macro$35$2$.class
4,789 MacroPickleTests$$anonfun$tests$8$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$14$TraitPickler$macro$25$2$.class
4,789 MacroPickleTests$$anonfun$tests$8$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$16$TraitPickler$macro$33$2$.class
If this becomes an issue, you can avoid it by storing implicit picklers in the companion object of the trait. This way the code is generated only once
and used whenever you need a pickler for your Fruit
object Fruit {
implicit val pickler: Pickler[Fruit] = generatePickler[Fruit]
// must import the companion object, otherwise the implicit macro has higher precedence and will generate another pickler!
import Fruit._
val fruits: Seq[Fruit] = Seq(Kiwi(0.5), Kiwi(0.6), Carambola(5.0), Banana(1.2))
val bb = Pickle.intoBytes(fruits)
You can prevent the implicit use of the pickler generator macro by importing boopickle.DefaultBasic._
instead of
as this will leave the implicit macro code out. Then you can provide specific implicit picklers for your
case classes or class hierarchies.
import boopickle.DefaultBasic._
object Fruit {
// use macro explicitly to generate the pickler
implicit val pickler: Pickler[Fruit] = PicklerGenerator.generatePickler[Fruit]
In this case you don't need to import Fruit._
because there is no implicit macro to compete with your pickler in the companion object.
Note that when not using implicit macro picklers, you must pay special attention to the creation order of picklers in more complex situations like below.
import boopickle.DefaultBasic._
sealed trait MyTrait
case class TT1(i: Int) extends MyTrait
case class TT2(s: String, next: MyTrait) extends MyTrait
class TT3(val i: Int, val s: String) extends MyTrait
object MyTrait {
// picklers must be created in correct order, because TT2 depends on MyTrait
implicit val pickler = compositePickler[MyTrait]
// use macro explicitly to generate picklers for TT1 and TT2
implicit val pickler1 = PicklerGenerator.generatePickler[TT1]
implicit val pickler2 = PicklerGenerator.generatePickler[TT2]
// a pickler for TT3 cannot be generated by macro, so use a transform pickler
implicit val pickler3 = transformPickler[TT3, (Int, String)](t => (t.i, t.s), t => new TT3(t._1, t._2))
When you have more complex type hierarchies with multiple levels of traits, you might need picklers for each type level. A simple example to illustrate:
sealed trait Element
sealed trait Document extends Element
sealed trait Attribute extends Element
final case class WordDocument(text:String) extends Document
final case class OwnerAttribute(owner: String, parent: Element) extends Attribute
Building a CompositePickler
for Element
with the two implementation classes doesn't actually give you a pickler for Document
nor Attribute
. So
you need to define those picklers separately, duplicating the implementation classes. For this purpose CompositePickler
allows you to join existing
composite picklers to form a new one.
object Element {
implicit val documentPickler = compositePickler[Document]
implicit val attributePickler = compositePickler[Attribute]
implicit val elementPickler = compositePickler[Element]
With these picklers you may now pickle any trait. Note, however, that you must use the same CompositePickler
when unpickling. You cannot pickle with Element
and unpickle with Attribute
even if the actual class was OwnerAttribute
because internal indexes are different for each composite pickler.
If your data contains the same object multiple times, BooPickle will encode it only once and use a reference for the remaining occurrences. For example
the data below is correctly unpickled to contain references to the same p
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
val p = Point(5, 10)
val points = Vector(p, p, p, p)
val bb = Pickle.intoBytes(points)
val newPoints = Unpickle[Vector[Point]].fromBytes(bb)
assert(newPoints(0) eq newPoints(1))
Reference identity is checked by actual object identity, not by its equal
method, so a val a = List(2)
and val b = List(2)
are two
different objects and will not be replaced by each other in pickling.
If you need to pickle non-case classes or for example Java classes, you can define custom picklers for them. If it's a non-generic type,
use an implicit object
and for generic types use implicit def
. See Pickler.scala
for more detailed examples such
as Either[T, S]
In most cases, however, you can use the TransformPickler
to create a custom pickler for a type by transforming it into another type that
already has pickler support. For example you can transform a java.util.Date
into a Long
and back. More complex classes can be transformed
to a suitable Tuple
implicit val datePickler = transformPickler((t: Long) => new java.util.Date(t))(_.getTime)
Note that transformation breaks reference equality, so multiple instances of the same reference will be pickled
separately. Transforming picklers can also be used in CompositePickler
with the addTransform
For a full pickler you need to do as in the example below. It's optimizing encoding size by reusing the slot for identity reference for the string length.
class Custom(val name: String, value: Int)
object MyCustomPicklers extends PicklerHelper {
implicit object customPickler extends P[Custom] {
override def pickle(obj: Custom)(implicit state: PickleState): Unit = {
state.identityRefFor(obj) match {
case Some(idx) =>
case None =>
// writeString will write an Int with the string length that we can
// put at same position as identity ref
override def unpickle(implicit state: UnpickleState): Custom = {
state.dec.readInt match {
case idx if idx < 0 =>
case len =>
val c = new Custom(state.dec.readString(len), state.dec.readInt)
In principle the pickler should do following things:
- check if the object has been pickled already using
(if you want deduplication) - if yes, store an index to the reference (this also takes care of
values) - it not, encode the class using
and/or calling picklers for members - if your class has a
, you can encode it in the same space as reference index by using a non-negative value - finally add the object to the identity reference
If your object is immutable, you can use immutableRefFor
and addImmutableRef
instead for even more efficient encoding.
On the unpickling side you'll need to do following:
- read reference/length using
- depending on the result,
- get an existing reference
- or use length to know how much to unpickle
- unpickle class members
- finally add the reference to identity table
BooPickle has special helpers to simplify pickling most common exception types. A call to exceptionPickler
gives you a pickler
that supports all the typical Java/Scala exceptions and you can then add your own custom exceptions with addException
. The exception pickler
is a CompositePickler[Throwable]
so your exceptions should be presented as Throwable
to pickling functions.
implicit val exPickler = exceptionPickler.addException[MyException](m => new MyException(m))
val ex: Throwable = new IllegalArgumentException("No, no, no!")
val bb = Pickle.intoBytes(ex)
Note that the basic addException
mechanism only pickles the exception message, not any other fields. If you wish to pickle more
fields, create transform picklers described above with the addTransform
function. The same CompositePickler
can contain both regular
exception picklers and transform picklers.
When BooPickle codecs allocate ByteBuffer
s they do it via BufferProvider
classes. The default implementations for both heap and direct buffers utilize
the BufferPool
object for recycling buffers. Buffer providers automatically release intermediate ByteBuffer
s back to the pool when their contents
is copied to a new buffer. To improve pool performance, you should release buffers that are not used anymore by calling BufferPool.release
. Only
buffers allocated through the BufferProvider
should be released to the pool.
val data = Pickle.intoBytes(fruits)
// send data to client
// release buffer back to pool
The pool has a maximum size to prevent it from locking down too much memory and it also only recycles relatively small buffers.
In a multi-threaded environment you may experience some slowdown if multiple threads are actively using BufferPool
. In these cases it may make sense to
disable pooling globally with BufferPool.disable()
BooPickle supports deduplication of pickled case classes and strings. If you know your data won't have duplicates, you can enhance performance by disabling it
by setting the deduplicate
and dedupImmutable
parameters in PickleState
and UnpickleState
constructors to false
. The effect of deduplication is that
when the same object is encountered again while pickling, only a reference is stored. When unpickling the reference is used instead of unpickling the object
again. This saves space and enhances performance if your data contains a lot of copies of same objects.
There are two different methods of deduplication. First one compares object identities directly and the second compares object contents. The first one can be
used for any objects but the second is safe to use only with immutable objects because only a single instance is created when unpickling and is used for all
references. In the provided picklers immutable deduplication is used only for String
s, but you can use it in your own picklers if you have immutable data that
is duplicated a lot.
Note that deduplication can severely affect pickling performance (not that much unpickling), especially if you are pickling a lot of non-duplicated objects in one go.
To implicitly provide non-deduplicating PickleState
and UnpickleState
, use following code.
implicit def pickleState = new PickleState(new EncoderSize, false, false)
implicit val unpickleState = (bb: ByteBuffer) => new UnpickleState(new DecoderSize(bb), false, false)
Originally BooPickle had a single codec optimized for both size and speed. From 1.2.0 onwards there are now two codecs, the original one optimized for size and a new codec optimized for speed (especially in the browser).
The speed oriented codec (EncodeSpeed
and DecodeSpeed
) works reliably only within a single application as it may dynamically choose different
encoding methods based on the environment. You should therefore not use it in network communication.
The codec is chosen as part of building an instance of PickleState
and UnpickleState
, which implicitly chooses the size optimized codec by
default. To override this you can either manually create the instances of pickle states, or define an implicit to override the defaults. For
you need to define a function taking a ByteBuffer
and returning an instance of UnpickleState
as in the example below. This will
then be used by the Unpickle[A].fromBytes
implicit def pickleState: PickleState = new PickleState(new EncoderSpeed)
implicit val unpickleState = (b: ByteBuffer) => new UnpickleState(new DecoderSpeed(b))
In the browser BooPickle uses direct ByteBuffer
s by default, as they perform much better. On the server JVM, however, heap buffers tend to be more
efficient in many cases and are used by default. The Encoder
constructor takes a BufferProvider
argument and you can supply your
own or use one of the two predefined ones: DirectByteBufferProvider
and HeapByteBufferProvider
. The ByteBuffer
s must use
little-endian ordering.
When serializing large objects, BooPickle encodes them into multiple separate ByteBuffer
s that are combined (copied) in the call to
. If you can handle a sequence of buffers (for example sending them over the network), you can use intoByteBuffers
which will avoid duplicating the serialized data.
As one of the main design goals of BooPickle was performance (both in execution speed as in data size), the project includes a sub-project for comparing
BooPickle performance with other common pickling libraries available for Scala.js: uPickle, Prickle, Circe and Pushka. To access the performance tests, just
switch to perftestsJS
or perftestsJVM
On the JVM you can run the tests simply with the run
command and the output will be shown in the SBT console. You might want to run the
test at least twice to ensure JVM has optimized the code properly.
On the JS side, you'll need to use fullOptJS
and package
to compile the code into JavaScript and then run it in your browser at
To ensure good results, run the tests at least twice in the browser.
Both tests provide similar output, although there are small differences in the Gzipped sizes due to the use of different libraries.
In the browser (BooPickle! is using the speed optimized codec with deduplication disabled):
15/16 : Encoding Seq[Book] with numerical IDs
Library ops/s % size % size.gz %
BooPickle 80880 41.8% 210 100% 193 100%
BooPickle! 193416 100.0% 402 191% 210 109%
Prickle 9172 4.7% 863 411% 272 141%
uPickle 19372 10.0% 680 324% 233 121%
Circe 10096 5.2% 680 324% 233 121%
Pushka 29176 15.1% 680 324% 233 121%
16/16 : Decoding Seq[Book] with numerical IDs
Library ops/s % size % size.gz %
BooPickle 85156 100.0% 210 100% 193 100%
BooPickle! 73576 86.4% 402 191% 210 109%
Prickle 1704 2.0% 863 411% 272 141%
uPickle 8872 10.4% 680 324% 233 121%
Circe 7204 8.5% 680 324% 233 121%
Pushka 18044 21.2% 680 324% 233 121%
Under JVM:
15/16 : Encoding Seq[Book] with numerical IDs
Library ops/s % size % size.gz %
BooPickle 548684 57.6% 210 100% 188 100%
BooPickle! 951836 100.0% 402 191% 205 109%
Prickle 44360 4.7% 879 419% 276 147%
uPickle 139328 14.6% 680 324% 234 124%
Circe 52964 5.6% 680 324% 234 124%
Pushka 151672 15.9% 680 324% 234 124%
16/16 : Decoding Seq[Book] with numerical IDs
Library ops/s % size % size.gz %
BooPickle 732512 96.2% 210 100% 188 100%
BooPickle! 761296 100.0% 402 191% 205 109%
Prickle 5308 0.7% 879 419% 276 147%
uPickle 88424 11.6% 680 324% 234 124%
Circe 66248 8.7% 680 324% 234 124%
Pushka 142252 18.7% 680 324% 234 124%
Performance test suite measures how many encode or decode operations the library can do in one second and also checks the size of the raw and gzipped output. Relative speed and size are shown as percentages (bigger is better for speed, smaller is better for size). Typically BooPickle is 4 to 10 times faster than JSON pickling libraries in decoding and 2 to 5 times faster in encoding.
You can define your own tests by modifying the Tests.scala
and TestData.scala
source files. Just look at the examples provided
and model your own data (as realistically as possible) to see which library works best for you.
For now, see SPA tutorial for example usage.
BooPickle is not a very generic serialization library, so you should think carefully before using it in your application. Typical good and bad use cases are listed below.
Good | Bad |
Mobile client/server communication | Public API for your service |
Data transfer over Websocket binary protocol | Data storage (you will lose it if something changes!) |
Scala <-> Scala communication | Scala <-> some-other-language communication |
Clients with limited resources | Communication between server components |
BooPickle is first and foremost focused on optimization of the pickled data. This gives you good performance and small data size, but at the same
time it also makes the protocol extremely fragile. Unlike JSON, which can survive quite easily from additional or missing data, the binary
format employed by BooPickle will explode violently with even the slightest of change. Debugging the output of BooPickle is also very hard, first
because it's in binary and second because many data types use exotic coding to reduce the size. For example an Int
can be 1 to 5 bytes long. Since
there is no type information included in the coding it's quite impossible to determine the structure of the data just by looking at the binary output.
But because there is no type information, it is also possible to benefit from this. For example you can pickle a Set[String]
but unpickle it
as a Vector[String]
because all collections use the same serialization format internally. Note, however, that this too is rather fragile,
especially for empty collections that occur multiple times in the data.
If your data contains a lot of (non-repeating) strings, then BooPickle performance is not so hot (depending on browser) as it has to do
UTF-8 coding itself. Several browsers provide a TextDecoder
interface to do this efficiently, but it's still not as fast as with JSON.parse
. On
other browsers, BooPickle relies on Scala.js' implementation for coding UTF-8.
Under Scala.js BooPickle depends indirectly on typed arrays
because direct ByteBuffer
s are implemented with typed arrays. These may not be available on all JS platforms (most notably old Node.js, which has
its own Buffers, and IE versions 9 and below). When testing code that uses BooPickle (and direct ByteBuffer
s), make sure your tests are run under
a recent version of Node.js as Rhino doesn't support typed arrays. Alternatively make sure your tests only use heap ByteBuffer
As many BooPickle users have run into issues with ByteBuffers
, here is a bit of advice on how to work with them. If you need to get data out of a
, for example into an Array[Byte]
the safest way is to use the get(array: Array[Byte])
method. Even when the ByteBuffer
backed with an Array[Byte]
and you could access that directly with array()
, it's very easy to make mistakes with positions, array offsets and limits.
Reading values from a ByteBuffer
commonly changes its internal state (the position
), so you cannot treat it as identical to the original
. Similarly writing to one also changes its state. For example if you write data to a ByteBuffer
and pass it as such to an unpickler,
it will not work. You need to call flip()
first to reset its position
In BooPickle ByteBuffer
s use little-endian ordering, which is not the default in the JVM, but is the native ordering in majority of target platforms. If you
call slice
or duplicate
on buffers produced by BooPickle, they will default back to big-endian ordering. You must explicitly call
to get them back to correct ordering.
For more information, please refer to the JDK documentation on ByteBuffers.
BooPickle is commonly used in client/server communication, so it is important to be able to use ByteBuffer
s efficiently in the protocol. On the JVM
side things are usually quite simple as many communication methods already accept ByteBuffer
type directly. Sometimes you do need to convert the
data into an Array[Byte]
using following piece of code:
val data = Array.ofDim[Byte](buffer.remaining())
Conversion in the other direction is trivial with the help of ByteBuffer.wrap()
On the JS side things are a bit more complicated due to the use of JavaScript ArrayBuffer
underneath the ByteBuffer
BooPickle makes assumptions of what kind of data it needs to encode, to reach high efficiency in typical scenarios. For example an Int
(which takes
32-bits or 4 bytes) is encoded in 1-5 bytes depending on the value. The most common values (0-127) take only a single byte, whereas larger values
require more bytes. Because very large integers take 5 bytes, if you know your data consists mainly of such values, you could specifically code them
using raw
format that always takes 32-bits. Similarly Long
s are also coded in 1-9 bytes depending on the value.
In many situations there is a need to encode a length (of String, Seq, Map, etc.) and the efficient Int coding is used. But because a length/size is always non-negative, we can use negative integers to indicate other things. BooPickle supports coding multiple instances of the same object reference by using a reference value. The length value is reused to encode the reference by just flipping it into a negative value.
Note that when using the speed optimized codecs (EncodeSpeed
and DecodeSpeed
) some of these size optimizations are not used.
Scala features powerful macros to help simplifying many mundane programming tasks. One such task is writing pickling functions for classes. Consider the simple case class below:
case class Person(foreName: String, lastName: String, email: String, birthYear: Int)
To pickle this, you'd need to write following code:
implicit object PersonPickler extends Pickler[Person] {
override def pickle(value: Person)(implicit state: PickleState): Unit = {
override def unpickle(implicit state: UnpickleState): Person = {
This would be very tedious, which is why practically all serialization libraries use either reflection or macros to automate this task. BooPickle being fully compatible with Scala.js, reflection is not an option, so macros it is. Programming macros in Scala is quite difficult, because it's a very recent addition to the Scala compiler and the documentation tends to be terse and somewhat cryptic. Also many examples found in the net are already obsolete or wrong if you use Scala 2.11. Best course of action is to look at existing macro code and try to deduce what's going on. Both uPickle and Prickle provided good base for BooPickle's macros.
The macro-generated picklers are provided by a separate trait to make sure they are the last resort the compiler turns to.
trait MaterializePicklerFallback {
implicit def generatePickler[T]: Pickler[T] = macro PicklerMaterializersImpl.materializePickler[T]
If no other implicit pickler can be found, the compiler will call the materializePickler
macro function in the hope of generating a suitable one.
The macro code starts
by checking that the given type is valid for pickling (a sealed trait or a case class). Next step is building the code for pickling individual fields
of the case class, which is surprisingly simple. Scala macros use a concept called quasiquotes (q"""code goes here"""
) to easily generate code.
val accessors = (tpe.decls collect {
case acc: MethodSymbol if acc.isCaseAccessor => acc
val pickleFields = for {
accessor <- accessors
} yield
Because there might be more than one instance of the case class in the structure we are pickling, additional code is generated to check for that and to store just a reference instead, if needed. For case objects, nothing(!) needs to be stored as they are identified by their type directly.
val pickleLogic = if (sym.isModuleClass)
else q"""
state.identityRefFor(value) match {
case Some(idx) =>
case None =>
Finally an implicit object
is generated to provide the Pickler
val result = q"""
implicit object $name extends boopickle.Pickler[$tpe] {
import boopickle._
override def pickle(value: $tpe)(implicit state: PickleState): Unit = $pickleLogic
override def unpickle(implicit state: UnpickleState): $tpe = $unpickleLogic
That's it for generating a pickler for a case class! Unpickle logic generation is pretty much the same, check out the code for details.
BooPickle also supports automatic pickler generation for sealed class hierarchies and that functionality is also implemented by the macro. When the macro
first checks if it's a trait, it will continue under a different code path than for case classes. Goal of the macro is to create a CompositePickler
for the given trait so that all implementing classes are included.
First step is to make some sanity checks and then find all the known subclasses. This is why the trait must be sealed so that the compiler knows
all subclasses and the macro can generate correct code. Next all found subclasses are mapped to addConcreteType[$s]
code blocks that are embedded into a
generated CompositePickler
implicit object $name extends boopickle.CompositePickler[$tpe] {
UTF-8 is pretty much the universal character coding format used in the web. For example JSON data is always coded in UTF-8 and naturally all browsers are very good and efficient at processing UTF-8 formatted text. But when you actually have to do UTF-8 encoding or decoding in JavaScript the situation is much worse. You can have strings and arrays of bytes, but regular JavaScript doesn't provide decent methods for converting between these two.
One option is to write your own UTF-8 codec and this is exactly what the Scala.js library provides. Its performance is not so great when compared to native JSON processing but it gets the job done.
Luckily there is a JavaScript extension known as TextEncoder, which provides native
speed encoding of UTF-8 (and some other formats, too). The TextEncoder
(and TextDecoder
) work with typed arrays (Uint8Array
in this case) that
are a high-performance alternative to basic JS arrays.
Because these interfaces are not available on all browsers, the string codec code must check for their availability and fall back to regular implementation if they are missing.
class TextEncoder extends js.Object {
def encode(str: String): Uint8Array = js.native
private lazy val utf8encoder: (String) => Int8Array = {
val te = new TextEncoder
// use native TextEncoder
(str: String) => new Int8Array(te.encode(str))
def encodeUTF8(s: String): ByteBuffer = {
if (js.isUndefined( {
} else {
See a separate changes document
BooPickle was created and is maintained by Otto Chrons - - Twitter: @ochrons.
Special thanks to Li Haoyi and Ben Hutchison for their pickling libraries, which provided more than inspiration to BooPickle.
Contributors: @japgolly, @FlorianKirmaier, @guersam, @akshaal, @cquiroz
Copyright (c) 2015, Otto Chrons (
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.