
a Dropwizard bundle that serves Swagger UI static content and loads Swagger endpoints.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a Dropwizard bundle that serves Swagger UI static content and loads Swagger endpoints. Swagger UI static content is taken from https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-ui

Current version has been tested with Dropwizard 0.7.1 and Swagger 1.3.2

NOTE: the project's group id has been changed io.federecio and therefore all packages have been renamed accordingly



How to use it

  • Add the Maven dependency (now available in Maven Central!)

  • In your Application class:

      private final SwaggerDropwizard swaggerDropwizard = new SwaggerDropwizard();
      public void initialize(Bootstrap<TestConfiguration> bootstrap) {
      public void run(TestConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
      	swaggerDropwizard.onRun(configuration, environment);
  • As usual, add Swagger annotations to your resource classes and methods

  • Open a browser and hit http://localhost:8080/swagger (replace port 8080 accordingly)

Running in AWS

Whether this service is running on AWS is determined by checking for the presence of the folder "/var/lib/cloud". If the folder is actually present then the host Swagger should be bound to is set to the result of a GET request to "".

Should the directory /var/lib/cloud not be present the host is set to the result of InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() or localhost.

Manually setting the host name

There might be a few cases where you want to set the host name to which Swagger is bound to. In this case you need to do:

	public void run(TestConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
		swaggerDropwizard.onRun(configuration, environment, "your_host_here");
