

GreenDream is a project I worked on during the Apple Developer Academy Foundations Course. My team was tasked with coming up with an app idea to improve lives, and we came up with an app that would link local farmers with shoppers who want to support their community. A sort of local Instacart.

What I Learned

  • How to use @State to update the UI in real time in response to taps/data changes.
  • Manipulated an array from multiple points to implement a cart function.
  • Implemented a search feature by filtering a dynamic array.
  • How to pass data from one view to another.
  • Used Sketch to design a clickable lo-fi prototype.

What I'd Do Differently

  • Make the filter function update the Ui in realtime (currently it only updates after another change).
  • Display the produce catalog in a LazyVGrid.
  • Add a profile functionality.
  • Populate catalog data from an API.