
:fire: fis postprocessor to smarty for connect a remote page width local hmr server (used in remote smarty templates)

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fis postprocessor to smarty for connect a remote page with local hmr server.

Use it with Webpack !



$ npm i fis-postprocessor-smarty-hmr

Setting fis-conf.js

  1. Setting hotreload.port
// Example
fis.set('hotreload.port', '8888');
  1. Setting to smarty

By setting config to fis postprocessor. May contain multiple pages.

// Example
fis.match('*.tpl', {
    postprocessor: fis.plugin('smarty-hmr', {
        // global exclude (fuzzy match), string or array, eg, ['bootstrap.css', 'animate.css']
        globalExcludeRequire: 'bootstrap.css',
        config: [{
            pagePath: 'page/index.tpl',
            bundleName: 'bundle.js',
            blockName: 'top-head-extend',
            excludeRequire: 'a.js', // can use string or array, eg, exclude: ['a.js', 'b.js'], 
            valid: true

global exclude require

While the postprecessor works in hot mode (via set env process.env.HOT = 'true'), it will delete all {%require name='xxx'%} statements. (config rules hitted is addtional premise).

So if we need to keep something NOT deleted from precessor, set globalExcludeRequire in settings.

Once set, It will affect all tpls.

If we need to exclude to certain tpl, config it with excludeRequire in config rules.

Config item options

options description type required default
pagePath path to page String YES -
bundleName bundle file name String YES -
blockName which smarty block to inject bundle file String OPTIONAL top-head-extend
excludeRequire exclude js name String or Array OPTIONAL -
valid if this rules is valid Boolean OPTIONAL true

Starting via fis release

You need to set env HOT=true and start fis release:

Intergration in npm script:

$ npm i cross-env -S
"scripts": {
  "release": "cross-env HOT=true fis3 release",

By running command in cli:

$ npm run release -- [fis3 media]