
A repo of teaching assignments for getting students up to par on java concepts.


A repo of teaching assignments for getting students up to par on java concepts.


This repo is in constant iteration, and is considered a living document. Thus, it should in no way be considered complete. Unless it's a tuesday at 2:34 am. Then it is temporarily considered undead, and you should prepare you holy water just incase.


This repo is created by Carl Lee Landskron

This repo is currently maintained by Carl Lee Landskron


Jeff the left handed CS teacher is wakes up on a tuesday morning. He finds his toaster isn't working. That's a shame. What isn't a shame? Jeff is prepared for school, because he recently downloaded the a fancy new repo to teach his students. He uses git classroom to copy this template repo, and his student, Franny, Danny, Manny, and Oscar can then copy open their own repos, reading the thinkjava book as well as working through the exercises. Jeff can choose whether he wants to teach the lessons directly, or, on this particular day, let the students do it all alone, because he is feeling paticularly drained (probably from lack of toast.)

Piff is a young and up and coming CS student. His school doesn't have any CS courses, so he decides to learn himself. He finds this repo and clones it, then gets to work learning.

Jackie is constantly try her best to make sure her classroom students are working at the correct pass. Unfortunately for her, Big Brained Bobby and Miniscule Minded Mindy are in her class. Since Bobby has so much in his brain, he didn't have much room for CS, so isn't ready to move on to the harder things. Mindy on the other hand absorbs CS speedy quick and did coding by herself, so she's ahead. Jackie chooses to use this repo to so that students can do challenges at their own pace while she helps individual students with their needs.


In this current iteration of the repo, we will not include the following:

git classroom auto checking free penguins


The purpose of this repo is to create an educational enviroment for FRC 1646 to learn java code. Each section will be labeled with markdown files (mainly because we ran out of crayons). Students can fork the repo, but pull requests should only be accepted to fix an aspect of the repo, and not to pull in student code (Looking at you, Jeff, sheesh). Each project goal will be written like a spec in order to help prepare students for understanding how to read one. Finally, there will be a dramatic overarching story about evil polar bears. We might even include a really good tomato soup recipe if you're lucky.

Each exercise will cover one aspect of coding. It will closely follow the book How to Think Like a Computer Scientist or, more simply, ThinkJava

Open Issues

Uh... There isn't much code yet?


If you haven't laughed yet, you have no sense of humor.

Seriously though. No one reads this if it isn't somewhat humorous.

People who have taught via this repo:

Carl Lee Landskron - 2021

People who have learned via this repo: