Use the OpenWeatherMap API to build an application that meets the following criteria.
given a user wants to view weather information when the user visits your initial view then there should be an input field to accept a zip code value
given a user wants to view weather information when the user visits your initial view then there should be a submit button next to the zip code field
given a user has entered in some text into the zip code field when the user presses the enter key or the user clicks the submit button then the value should be validated as a zip code (5 digit number)
given the user has entered a valid zip code when the user presses the enter key or clicks the submit button then the current weather for the provided zip code should be displayed, which includes
-Temperature -Conditions -Air pressure -Wind speed
An affordance to view the forecast for the current day, the next three days, or the next 7 days given the user is viewing the current forecast when the user clicks on the link to view the 3 day forecast then the current data (see above), and the data for the next 3 days should be displayed
given the user is viewing the current forecast when the user clicks on the link to view the 7 day forecast then the current data (see above), and the data for the next 7 days should be displayed
given a user wants to save weather information when the user visits your initial view then there should be an affordance (e.g. a star or link) that allows them to save a day's forecast to their profile
given a user wants to view their saved forecasts when the user performs a gesture on an element that clearly states its purpose is to view saved data then the user should be shown a list of all of their saved forecasts