queermed.info is a database of queer sensitive healthcare providers, where users can add providers and review them with the possibility to send private messages to each other.


🔎 Search with autocomplete of location
🌐 Show providers on map
🔐 Sign-up and sign-in
📝 Write a review
⭐ Personal favorites list
💬 Private messages with other Users
👩‍⚕️ Add healthcare provider


  • Rails 6
  • PostgreSQL
  • WebSocket
  • ActionCabel
  • Ajax
  • Geocoder
  • Aloglia Places
  • Mapbox
  • Devise
  • SCSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Simple Form
  • Faker


We are

Clara, Dan, Igor and Magda

queermed.info is inspired by queermed.at and made with ♥️ at Le Wagon Batch #490 where the team met in 2020.


Everyone should have access to appropriate health and mental health care. Yet health and mental health professionals often lack the knowledge required to provide appropriate care to the LGBTQIAP+ community, particularly when it comes to trans people. As a result, many people in the LGBTQIAP+ community fear insensitive or inappropriate treatment from care providers and struggle to find the care they need. Queermed seeks to break down these barriers for LGBTQIAP+ people by helping the community create and maintain its own list of competent and respectful health and mental health professionals. The site also provides community members with the ability to communicate directly and anonymously with each other about their experiences.

Queermed is especially concerned with facilitating access to general practitioners, endocrinologists, gynecologists, plastic surgeons, psychologists, and psychiatrists for the medical and social transition of trans people.