
Automation project using python, pytest, appium

Primary LanguagePython

Automation project for Yahnac application (Login page)

This project aims to automate the login flow for Yahnac apk. This project may be found here: https://github.com/malmstein/yahnac

Project structure:

I am using Pytest strutucture for this project. So, here is an overview for my project:


🗂 Brief explanation for each folder:

Pages >> PageObjects related, a .py file for each folder and its functionalities as well.

Setup >> Here we indicate apks to be used and also the the serial number of the device under test (DeviceId.py).

Tests >> Test flow for the execution.

Utils >> Utilities for the project, like constants.


🎯 I am using here:

(and some complements)

🛠 How to install it?

Just run requirements.txt file by using following command on root path:

pip install -r requirements

💻 Test environment setup

Application folder and serial number for Android product are registered on /setup folder. Just insert your serial number (adb devices) on DeviceId.py.

After that, indicate

To run the project, just call pytest on terminal:


📝 Report execution

To perform execution and also generate a report for that, just use following command when calling pytest:

pytest --html=report.html  

After execution, a file called "report.html" will be generated on root path of the project. Click on it, and it will be opened as a text file. Execute it indicating a browser to render html file. Report will be displayed.

Also, a link will be displayed after execution, so you may access it directly from that.

🌱 What would I improve in this project?

We are never satisfied about our final solutions and every project would be better in several details. Here are some points that I know would be improved in better conditions for this project(more time to investigate, etc):

  • Avoid using Xpath to identify elements: xpath are sensible variables to identify an element on project. As login page is a webview, I had some dificulties to make appium identifies the element to click on it. My solution was using xpath and not ID.
  • Make find_element() method more applicable: as some elements are not using same structure to be identified on screen (some with ID, some others with xpath) I used find_method() solution only for native activities. So, on login.py file I used the same structure repeatedly for differents elements. A good solution would be another method to identify only those cases.
  • Using more resources from pytest: pytest has a lot of resources to help automation run softly. Would be great to use pytest-incremental to avoid some test to be runned if a "root test" failed, for example. Parametrize the kind of execution (sanity, regression, etc) would also be good.

🎬 Video for the execution

I also recorded a video for this execution, find it here in this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a_4JJaG1Op6vEanliKcN13RbXKD0r_9C?usp=sharing