
:exclamation: Assertion lib for shell script users

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Assert.sh is intended to give the assertion mechanism to shell scripts with well-known assert functions like assert_eq, assert_array_eq, or assert_empty. Inspired by Assert class of JUnit

Install & Usage

> # git clone https://github.com/torokmark/assert.sh.git; cd assert.sh
> # source assert.sh
> # assert_eq "hello" "world"
> # echo "$?"
# => 1

I. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/torokmark/assert.sh.git

Or copy the assert.sh where your project is located.

II. Edit the script where you would like to use asserts and paste the next line on the top:

source './assert.sh'

III. Now assert functions are available for use.

assert_eq "hello" "world"

0 return status is considered true and anything else is considered false.

List of assert functions

  • assert_eq takes two strings and checks whether they are the same based on the character strings.
  • assert_not_eq is the opposite of assert_eq.
  • assert_true takes a parameter and returns 0 confirming the parameter is true.
  • assert_false takes a parameter and decides whether it is false.
  • assert_array_eq takes two arrays and compare them by items.
  • assert_array_not_eq takes two arrays and return 0 if the items are not the same on the same index.
  • assert_empty takes a string and returns 0 if it is empty
  • assert_not_empty is the opposite of assert_empty.
  • assert_contain checks whether the first argument contains the second one.
  • assert_not_contain check whether the first argument does not contain the second one.
  • assert_gt checks whether the first param is greater than the second.
  • assert_ge checks whether the first param is greator than or equal to the second one.
  • assert_lt checks whether the first param is less than the second one.
  • assert_le checks whether the first param is less than or equal to the second one.

How to write tests


source "./assert.sh"

local expected actual
assert_eq "$expected" "$actual" "not equivalent!"
# => x Hello == World :: not equivalent! 
source "./assert.sh"

local expected actual
assert_eq "$expected" "$actual"
if [ "$?" == 0 ]; then
  log_success "assert_eq returns 0 if two words are equal"
  log_failure "assert_eq should return 0"

If the return status ($?) of assert_eq is equal to 0, which is considered true according to the convention. If the assert function returns 1, the expected and actual values are differred.