
Just to concentrate my studies in React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

General notes about React:

  • It is a lib, not a framework;
  • Created and maintained by Facebook;
  • It is not exclusive for web. Example, we have React Native to build mobile apps; React 360 to build virtual reality and more stuff like this.
  • React is focused in renreding so we, devs, can be more concentrated in the UI itself;
  • We can use React in a single component like a button, for example. It is based on components;
  • JSX means JavaScript + XML. That is the main difference between React and JavaScript.
  • 'Props' is a way to send data to a component - which cannot be accessed by a variable.







Stands for ECMAScript. Basically the newst JS version. It is like the official name for JavaScript.

About my first project - To do list app

I am following the content suggestion so I am creating a To Do List. Some user cases for this project:

HTML recap

  • HyperText Markup Language.
  • When writing HTML code, it's important to focus on the semantics rather than the appearance.


Mozilla - React getting started

React official documentation