A full-stack RESTful application with authentication

This is version 2 of Can I Launch. I attempted the first build using Ruby on Rails in 2016, but that remained an unfinished project. The purpose of the website is to allow entrepreneurs and online business owners to get constructive feedback from fellow web-builders before they launch their sites. The following Stack was used to build this project:


MongoDB with Mongoose ORM





When each website is hovered, users can see the name and description of the site. This is achieved using Javascript show and hide elements. Submissions are only permitted if the user is registered and logged in.

Show page

Full size website screenshot is shown on this page. Clicking the screenshot will take users to the business's page on a new tab. Users can leave feedback only if they are logged in. Users are able to delete their own feedback. Owner of the businesses are also allowed to edit and delete their businesses.
Show page

Profile page

Profile page contains logged in user's personal information as well as uploaded websites.
Profile page


Removed default twitter styling to create clean, beautiful forms.


Viewed on iPad and iPhone 6.
Responsiveness Responsiveness


This is my first full-stack app, the entire project was completed within 4 days. The main challenges were getting everything connected in the MVC, as well as creating the hover effect and aligning elements on the homepage.