
A fork of CDM's Local Exchange 1.0.1 UK - upgrading requirements for PHP7 and security of user data as well as user experience and function. Please note that this is not backwards compatible with older versions of PHP. This is unavoidable.

Primary LanguagePHP

This software is licensed under the GPL (see GPL.txt for more information). It comes with no warranty or guarantees of any kind, to the extent allowed by applicable law.

	- PHP 7.1.6 or higher
	- MySQL 5.6 or higher 
	- Optional: composer to keep dependencies up to date


This is not a patch but significant version change that may have unforseen consequences. WARNING: Given the way that the source project was written, any customisations in the code will be overwritten. Any customisations in teh settings database - where they should be - will be respected. 

WORK IN PROGRESS - this is not at release quality yet. 

==== New version 2.00 Alpha UK ====
This package (localx-UK-2..{insert package} ) is for installing a NEW site using version 2.... from scratch. 
We suggest you read RELEASENOTES.txt before attempting to install for an overview and understanding of new features and bug fixes
{todo: create database}

** Upgrading from version 1.01 UK:
If you already have a version of Local Exchange 1.0.1 UK installed, please back up your project before attempting this upgrade.

1) put prefix on the table names so you can work with multiple sites in the same environment...

2) from "upgrade-mysql" directory, run the mysql queries in upgrade-mysql.txt

** Upgrading from earlier versions:
Follow the instructions available in https://github.com/cdmweb/Local-Exchange-UK, then the instructions above.

Clara Todd (modifying instructions by Chris Macdonald and Rob Follett)

To install a new site:

1) Upload the LocalExchange files to your local web server/dev environment.

2) If you have command line access, and wish to keep your third party libraries up to date:
	a. Install Composer in the directory  via instructions https://packagist.org/). 
	b. In the project folder, open your terminal app and run "composer update" and "composer upgrade"

3) Create a new database in MySQL and create at least one user account with full access to it.  You can call the database and user whatever you want, but you'll need to enter that information into the text configuration file "includes/inc.config.php".  

4) Edit includes/inc.config.php.  This file contains lots of optional settings.  The domain name and database login settings are *required*.  You'll also want to set the email address values.

5) Open a web browser.  Go to http://your-domain-name/your-path-if-any/create_db.php.  This will create the database tables and insert initial data.

6) You should now be able to login with the userid "admin" and password "password".  Go into the Member Profile section and change the password for this account (for security).

7) Also for security reasons, you should delete the create_db.php file at this point, or change the file permissions so that it can't be run by the web user account. 

8) In order to use file uploading features (such as uploading a Newsletter), you will need to set the permissions on the "uploads" directory such that the web user account (often www-data) has access to write to it.

Further Configuration:
1) Edit style.css, print.css, inc.config.php and add graphics files to the "images" folder as needed to personalize the site. Image for the logo, motto, and all the other bits are in the config.

2) In the "info" folder are a number of essentially static html files that help to explain what local currency is.  Included among them is some information specific to the area the original developer of the system lives in (me, that is).  You may use these files as you like, of course, but you may want to tailor them to your needs.  The files themselves need to be edited with a text editor, there is no content editor included in the system currently. (RF: Update ver 0.4.0 - there *is* now an (optional) content editor built in for creating additional info pages which can be edited online - see includes/inc.config.php )
3) Default listing categories were created by the create_db script.  You can edit these categories from the Administration menu.

The system has been run on Linux and FreeBSD.  It should of course run on a Windows server too, but this has not seen any testing. 

For questions, comments, or miscellaneous verbage for versions up to and including ver 0.3.2 you can email calvinpriest@yahoo.com - (RF: for ver 0.4.0 and above you can email chris@cdmweb.co.uk or robfol@gmail.com).

* InnoDB tables are used to help keep the database in balance.  It is possible to use the system without InnoDB support, but not recommended.  To do so, you will need to comment out the lines at the top of the create_db.php file which check for InnoDB.  Better yet, contact your database administrator and ask if it can be turned on.  For reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/innodb-overview.html