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A simple app to demostrate my devops and java skills, its a simple app for drone service, managing drone creation, edit and delivery services


  1. Java 11
  2. Postgresql

How to run the project:

  1. create a new folder
  2. Clone the project to the new folder
  3. Set up postgres with docker if you don't have postgres install locally on your system
    1. Install and Configure PSQL using Docker: docker run --name postgresql -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=blusalt123@ -e POSTGRES_USER=blusalt -e POSTGRES_DB=drone_db -d postgres this create image and start the container for postgresql
    2. Using local postgres: create new user and new db to new user
  4. Building the project: to build the project env values must be set, if you're building from intellij you can set the values on the IDE Set environment variables for these values (DB_HOST, DB_NAME, DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD) matching the information of the database you created above. run .\mvnw clean to build the project
  5. running the project on the project root dir run .\mvnw spring-boot:run
  6. access project swagger UI on http://localhost:8060/swagger-ui/
  7. API can also be tested through postman

Running project through Kubernetes

  1. cd to deployment folder on the project root dir
  2. run kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml,secrets.yaml,configmap.yaml
  3. run kubectl apply -f pg to create deployment and service for postgresql
  4. run kubectl apply -f drone to create drone service deployment and service
  5. Using port-forward to have access to our service run kubectl port-forward svc/droneservice 8060:8060 -n blusalt
  6. access project swagger UI on http://localhost:8060/swagger-ui/
  7. API can also be tested through postman

having any issue contact: Young Nnenna M.C via claretyoung@gmail.com

Running project through helm

cd to charts folder on the project root dir

First of all modify values.yaml file under config and secret provide data base details.

  1. cd charts
  2. helm dependency update drone-service/
  3. helm install blusalt drone-service/ -n default you can use any namespace
  4. the service is available at http://drone.service/ but first you need to update you host file with ip address, you can check online how to change your OS host file and
  5. for mac M1 run sudo vi /etc/host add the loadbalancer external IP of traefik service to get traefik ip kubectl get svc -n default and the dns name like this " drone.service" change the ip to you LB ip and flush DNS sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder visit http://drone.service/swagger-ui/#/