
Analysis of corona compounds from the Norwegian Newspaper Corpus

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korona20 / corona21

Analysis of corona compounds from the Norwegian Newspaper Corpus by Koenraad De Smedt, University of Bergen.

Two versions of the data are available:

  • korona20 covers a period from January 9, 2020 until May 26, 2020. These data are described and analyzed in: De Smedt, Koenraad. 2020. “Smittsomme Koronaord.” Oslo Studies in Language 11 (2): 59–73. https://doi.org/10.5617/osla.8488.

  • corona21 covers a period from January 9, 2020 until March 8, 2021. These data are described and analyzed in: De Smedt, Koenraad. 2021. “Contagious ‘Corona’ Compounding by Journalists in a CLARIN Newspaper Monitor Corpus.” Edited by Costanza Navarretta and Maria Eskevich. Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, 180: 83–92. http://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3384/ecp18010.

All files contain items occurring as the second part of compounds starting with corona or korona. Possible hyphens have been stripped. All items have been casefolded by downcasing.

Example: virus aggregates occurrences of coronavirus, koronavirus, corona-virus, korona-virus, Coronavirus, Koronavirus, CORONA-VIRUS, etc.

Additionally, lemmatized lists aggregate occurrences of inflected forms. Example: virus, viruset, virusets, virusene, etc.

A further description of the data and its analysis of these data is presented in forthcoming papers.


korona-freq-forms.csv = frequency list of word forms, ordered by decreasing frequency

korona-freq-lemmas.csv = frequency list of lemmas, ordered by decreasing frequency

korona-compounds-forms.csv = word forms by date of first occurrence, also including source; if an item appeared in different sources on the same date, only one source is given.

korona-compounds-lemmas.csv = lemmas by date of first occurrence, also including source; if an item appeared in different sources on the same date, only one source is given.

All these character separated files have TAB as field separator.