
Prepare CSIS Acceptance Tests

Closed this issue · 25 comments

We have to perform acceptance tests to ensure that our "minimal viable product" is "fit for purpose", that is, it delivers the proposed value.

Each partner must name two persons from its organization for the CSIS Testing Team to perform the testing of the CSIS. We must prepare a bullet point of actions that the user has to test. We use this GitHub issue as a first step to collect the appointed tester names. We create a dedicated repository for testing. Then we create a separate issue for each organisation. If the tester encounters any problem a comment should be added to the respective issue.


  • define test specification
  • collect tester names
  • create individual issues

List of Testers:

Organisation Tester 1 Tester 2
AIT @aitdrazen @Itsman-AT
ATOS @DanielRodera    @negroscuro
CIS @p-a-s-c-a-l    @therter
SMHI @LenaStr  @yhundecha
METEOGRID  @ghilbrae @emiliodediego
ZAMG @claudiahahn  @RobAndGo
LUPT-PLINIVS  @mattia-leone @stefanon
StockCity @Stock1Christer  @Magnus1281
EUREKA  @Mauro-Iorio  n/a
NAPOLI @pignataro  n/a
AEMET @mpostigog    n/a
WSP @WSPAnna  @gunillakaiser
ACCIONA n/a n/a
SCC n/a n/a
CABJOM @manslindell @AnkiAlmer
CEDEX @lparracedex @MPerelli
LINZ @Linz-PTU  n/a

LenaStr will test for SMHI.

LenaStr will test for SMHI.

And who's the second person from SMHI ? :-)

We will see, still discussions. Måns and Anki will test for CabJon, but Måns had problems understanding how to access GitLab.

Trying to put my username in....hmmmm, can't edit. Working on it! Or is it You Pascal that put in our names above? For CABJON me and Anki will be the testers...

claudiahahn and RobAndGo will test for ZAMG

Trying to put my username in....hmmmm, can't edit. Working on it! Or is it You Pascal that put in our names above? For CABJON me and Anki will be the testers...

@manslindell You cannot edit until you're a member of the clarity-h2020 organisation. I've sent an invitation.

I will test for Atos.

Pascal, from WSP it will be me and Gunilla Kaiser that enter the system (although she's out of office most of the week so not sure that she can solve it before Friday). However, as Måns was writing previously - I'm having the same problem, I really do not understand how to 1) add my name to the list above and 2) what/how to do next to really give any substantial input. Perhaps you could add some more instructions for us users that are not familiar to Github?

I really do not understand how to 1) add my name to the list above and 2) what/how to do next to really give any substantial input. Perhaps you could add some more instructions for us users that are not familiar to Github?


No worries. :-) I'll update the list above. At the moment, I just need the GitHub account names of the testers. When Gunilla and Anki have created their account, they just have to add a comment to this issue.

Once we've collected all the names and public CSIS is available, I'll provide detailed instructions for testers.

Hi Pascal, I am one of the testers for SMHI together with Lena.

Hi, Pascal. Have now managed to create an account and are ready to start testing for CABJON. :-)

I will be tester for NAPOLI. we are deciding on the second name.

Hi! I've added myself as tester for Meteogrid. The other person will be @emiliodediego who has already created a github account but needs to be added to clarity.

I am registred as WSP user

Hi Pascal I need to become member of the clarity-h2020 organisation to be a Tester of Eureka

I am registered as one of the StockCity partner.

Hi Pascal,

the testers of the City of Linz will be:

Kind regards

I will be testing in addition to the "official" AIT testers.

Still not sure who the designated testers will be - Tanja says that they have some students who will do the initial testing, waiting for the names.

I also want to have some more senior and not so technical people (e.g. Gerald, Patrick Zwickl, Tanja) involved for later testing - once we are sure that the basics work and we need a feedback from more experienced people.

By the way:

  1. The old bug that we have to start a study twice before EMIKAT picks up is still there. Maybe we should replace this automated start with a big green "start calculation" button that appears once everything is set up?
  2. Today, a new bug is showing up in CSIS: data is shown correctly in teh tables, but nothing is shown on the maps. Don't know if it's an error on EMIKAT side or on the map widget.

Hi Pascal,

the testers from CEDEX willl be:

Laura Parra (username: lparracedex & email:
Marcos Perelli (username: MPerelli & email:


For AIT the testers will be:

I will test for AEMET

FYI: The Acceptance Test Specification is available now.
CSIS Public BETA Release is still in preparation, we will begin with the tests once the public system is operational.

We are now creating separate issues for acceptance tests.
