
Web of Science to VIVO

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Note, the Web of Science Lite (SOAP) API, which this library uses, is deprecated and scheduled to be sunset on November 1, 2023. It has been replaced by the Web of Science Starter API. This library will be archived following the sunset date.

Mapping publications from the Web of Science™ via Web Services Lite to VIVO

This tool requires access to the Web of Science Web Services. For more information on Web of Sciences APIs, visit https://clarivate.com/webofsciencegroup/solutions/xml-and-apis/.


Python 2.7 is required. Install directly from Github:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/Clarivate-SAR/wos2vivo.git

Or clone the repository and install.

$ git clone https://github.com/Clarivate-SAR/wos2vivo.git
$ cd wos2vivo
$ python setup.py install


The following environment variables are required to configure wos2vivo.

  • DATA_NAMESPACE - the namespace for your VIVO instance
  • WOS_USER - the username for accessing the Web of Science Web Services
  • WOS_PASSWORD - the password for accessing the Web of Science Web Services

For example:

# VIVO data namespace
export DATA_NAMESPACE='http://vivo.school.edu/individual/'
# Web of Science Web Services username and password
export WOS_USER='xxx'
export WOS_PASSWORD='xxx'
run a harvest

Only an organization name is required. See more information on Organization Enhanced Names from the Web of Science.

$ wos2vivo --help


  Pass in the organization enhanced name from the Web of Science

  --weeks [1|2|4]          Number of previous weeks to search Web of Science.
  --begin TEXT             Start date for time span search, e.g. 2016-03-15
  --end TEXT               End date for time span search, e.g. 2016-03-17
  --file TEXT              File to save triples to.
  --format [nt|turtle|n3]  RDFLib serialization format

Harvest records for the last two weeks and save to a file called pubs.ttl.

$ wos2vivo "Your organization name." --weeks=2 --file=pubs.ttl

data mapping

The publication metadata is mapped from the Web of Science format to VIVO using the VIVO-ISF model (VIVO version 1.6 and later).

Example output:

d:pub-WOS-000411369700071 a bibo:AcademicArticle ;
    rdfs:label "Coherent J/psi photoproduction in ultra-peripheral PbPb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV with the CMS experiment" ;
    obo:ARG_2000028 d:vcard-individual-pub-WOS-000411369700071 ;
    bibo:doi "10.1016/j.physletb.2017.07.001" ;
    bibo:end "511" ;
    bibo:start "489" ;
    bibo:volume "772" ;
    vivo:dateTimeValue d:date-WOS-000411369700071 ;
    vivo:hasPublicationVenue d:venue-0370-2693 ;
    vivo:identifier "WOS:000411369700071" .

d:authorship-1-WOS-000411369700071 a vivo:Authorship ;
    vivo:rank 1 ;
    vivo:relates d:pub-WOS-000411369700071,
        d:vcard-individual-1-WOS-000411369700071 .

d:vcard-individual-1-WOS-000411369700071 a vcard:Individual ;
    vcard:hasName d:vcard-name-1-WOS-000411369700071 .

d:vcard-name-1-WOS-000411369700071 a vcard:Name ;
    rdfs:label "Khachatryan, V." ;
    vcard:familyName "Khachatryan" ;
    vcard:givenName "V." .

d:vcard-individual-pub-WOS-000411369700071 a vcard:Individual ;
    vcard:hasURL d:vcard-url-pub-WOS-000411369700071 .

d:vcard-url-pub-WOS-000411369700071 a vcard:URL ;
    rdfs:label "Web of Science™" ;
    vcard:url "http://ws.isiknowledge.com/cps/openurl/service?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_id=info:ut/WOS:WOS:000411369700071" .

d:venue-0370-2693 a bibo:Journal ;
    rdfs:label "PHYSICS LETTERS B" ;
    bibo:issn "0370-2693" .

d:date-WOS-000411369700071 a vivo:DateTimeValue ;
    rdfs:label "SEP, 2017" ;
    vivo:dateTime "2017-9"^^xsd:dayMonth ;
    vivo:dateTimePrecision vivo:yearMonthPrecision .

All author information is mapped to vCard Names. Local processes will have to be developed to merge the vCards to foaf:Person researcher resources in your VIVO system.


running the tests

Install test dependencies first with pip install -r tests/dev_requirements.txt.

$ python -m unittest discover

Tests will use Betamax to record HTTP interactions. This allows us to run the tests without actually hitting the web service and to keep the sample data stable.

Feedback, bug reports and pull requests welcome.