Web of Science Journals API Java Client

Web of Science™ Journals API

  • API version: 1.0.0
    • Build date: 2022-04-08T14:37:40.089+02:00[Europe/Paris]

This API provides journal-level metadata and metrics for all journals in the Journal Citation Reports™ covered in the Web of Science Core Collection, including the Journal Impact Factor™ and other new metrics. Integrate journal data into your internal systems or retrieve journal indicators for bibliometrics studies.


This API follows the REST approach to disclose resources in URL format. Only the GET method is currently available to perform requests over HTTP.

The API is available on the Clarivate Developer Portal. The access requires registration on the Portal and approval from the Clarivate Sales/Product teams to entitle to the API.


All requests require authentication with an API Key authentication flow. For more details, check the Guide.

API Client Libraries

The current languages/frameworks are supported: Python | Java | Javascript


You can learn more about content at Journal Citation Reports™ Product page, or in the documentation.

<a name="search"> Search (query parameter q=)

This API supports free-text search for a journal name, abbreviation, ISSN code, publisher, and Web of Science™ category name (only /categories endpoint). You need to provide a complete and valid ISSN code pattern; otherwise, the API will not look up for ISSN codes.

Boolean operators

Operator Description Example
+ / " " Search by two or more terms in the same field. Blank space is the same as an AND operator. The search retrieves all the records that contain the terms, e.g., /journals?q=matrix biology
OR Search by at least one term in the field. The search retrieves all the records that contain one of the terms, e.g., /journals?q=gas OR oil
NOT / - Search by excluding specific terms. The search retrieves all the records that match the query specifics, e.g., /journals?q=genetics -nature

Special symbols

The wildcards ( * ) are allowed in the search that starts with the search query: /journals?q=nano* will search indications that start from nano: for example, Nanotechnology or nanotubes.

Please note: the free text search query (with the parameter q=) should contain at least three symbols.


The API supports several filters for Journals and Web of Science™ Categories, narrowing down the initial list of entities or search results.

There are two types of filters:

  • Filter by one or multiple values: edition, categoryCode, jcrYear, jifQuartile
  • Filter by range: jif, jifPercentile, jci,

Filter by values

The filter name goes before the equals sign, followed by one or multiple filter values, separated by a semicolon, like categoryCode=RZ;RU. You can combine various filters with or without the search. Filters are separated by an ampersand (&): q=nature&categoryCode=RU;KM&jcrYear=2018

Please note: filter by jcrYear allows only one year value as an input

Filter by range

The API supports range filtering for Journal Impact Factor (jif) or Journal Impact Factor Percentile (jifPercentile) with the following operators:

  • eq (equal): if a Journal Impact Factor (Percentile) is equal to a specific number.
    For example: for jif=eq:5.032 the result will include journals with Journal Impact Factor = 5.032.
    Not combinable with any other operator
  • gt (greater than): if a Journal Impact Factor (Percentile) is greater than a specific number.
    For example: for jif=gt:5 the result will include journals with Journal Impact Factor = 5.001 and higher.
    Combinable with lt and lte operators
  • gte (greater than equal): if a Journal Impact Factor (Percentile) is greater than or equal to a specific number.
    For example: for jif=gte:5 the result will include journals with Journal Impact Factor = 5.000 and higher.
    Combinable with lt and lte operators
  • lt (less than): if a Journal Impact Factor (Percentile) is less than a specific number.
    For example: for jif=lt:5 the result will include journals with Journal Impact Factor = 4.999 and less.
    Combinable with gt and gte operators
  • lte (less than equal): if a Journal Impact Factor (Percentile) is less than a specific number.
    For example: for jif=lte:5 the result will include journals with Journal Impact Factor = 5.000 and less.
    Combinable with gt and gte operators

Use AND to combine two operators, e.g.,jifPercentile=gte:50 AND lte:80 responses with all journals in a percentile range from 50% to 80% (both included).


To ensure fast response time, each search or multiple entity calls (such as /journals or /categories/ID/cited/year/YYYY) retrieve only a certain number of hits/records.

There are two optional request parameters to browse along with the result: limit and page.

  • limit: Number of returned results, ranging from 0 to 50 (default 10)
  • page: Specifying a page to retrieve (default 1)

Moreover, this information is shown in the response body, in the tag metadata:

\"metadata\": {
  \"total\": 91,
  \"page\": 1,
  \"limit\": 10


The WoS Journals API uses conventional HTTP success or failure status codes. For errors, some extra information is included to indicate what went wrong in the JSON response. The list of HTTP codes is listed below.

Code Title Description
400 Bad request Request syntax error
401 Unauthorized The API key is invalid or missed
404 Not found The resource is not found
405 Method not allowed Method other than GET is not allowed
50X Server errors Technical error with servers
Each error response (except 401 Unauthorized error) contains the code of the error, the title of the error and detailed description of the error: a misprint in an endpoint, wrong URL parameter, etc. The example of the error message is shown below:
\"error\": {
  \"status\": 404,
  \"title\": \"Resource couldn't be found\",
  \"details\": \"There is no information in WoS Journals API about the identifier ABC_DEF for the Journals content area. Sorry :(\"

For the 401 Unauthorized error the response body is a little bit different:

  \"error_description\": \"The access token is missing\",
  \"error\": \"invalid_request\"

Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven (3.8.3+)/Gradle (7.2+)


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

  repositories {
    mavenCentral()     // Needed if the 'wos-journals-client' jar has been published to maven central.
    mavenLocal()       // Needed if the 'wos-journals-client' jar has been published to the local maven repo.

  dependencies {
     implementation "com.clarivate.wos:wos-journals-client:1.0.0"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/wos-journals-client-1.0.0.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

// Import classes:
import com.clarivate.wos.journals.client.invoker.ApiClient;
import com.clarivate.wos.journals.client.invoker.ApiException;
import com.clarivate.wos.journals.client.invoker.Configuration;
import com.clarivate.wos.journals.client.invoker.models.*;
import com.clarivate.wos.journals.client.CategoriesApi;

public class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

    CategoriesApi apiInstance = new CategoriesApi(defaultClient);
    String q = "q_example"; // String | Free-text search by category name.  Search logic is described in the section [Search](#search).
    String edition = "edition_example"; // String | Filter by Web of Sceince Citation Index. The following indexes (editions) are presented: - SCIE - Science Citation Index Expanded (ournals across more than 170 disciplines) - SSCI - Social Sciences Citation Index (journals across more than 50 social science disciplines)  Multiple values are allowed, separated by semicolon ( **;** )
    Integer jcrYear = 56; // Integer | Filter by Category Citation Report year (from 2003).  Only one value is allowed.
    Integer page = 1; // Integer | Specifying a page to retrieve
    Integer limit = 10; // Integer | Number of returned results, ranging from 0 to 50
    try {
      CategoryList result = apiInstance.categoriesGet(q, edition, jcrYear, page, limit);
    } catch (ApiException e) {
      System.err.println("Exception when calling CategoriesApi#categoriesGet");
      System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
      System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
      System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://wos-journals-snapshot.cortellis.int.clarivate.com

Class Method HTTP request Description
CategoriesApi categoriesGet GET /categories Search and filter across the journal categories
CategoriesApi categoriesIdCitedYearYearGet GET /categories/{id}/cited/year/{year} Get journals that cite all journals in the category for the JCR year
CategoriesApi categoriesIdCitingYearYearGet GET /categories/{id}/citing/year/{year} Get journals that were cited by all journals from the category for the JCR year
CategoriesApi categoriesIdGet GET /categories/{id} Get a category
CategoriesApi categoriesIdReportsYearYearGet GET /categories/{id}/reports/year/{year} Get category metrics for a year
JournalsApi journalsGet GET /journals Search and filter across JCR Journals
JournalsApi journalsIdCitedYearYearGet GET /journals/{id}/cited/year/{year} Get journals that cite the journal for the JCR year
JournalsApi journalsIdCitingYearYearGet GET /journals/{id}/citing/year/{year} Get journals that were cited by the journal for the JCR year
JournalsApi journalsIdGet GET /journals/{id} Get journal by id
JournalsApi journalsIdHistoryGet GET /journals/{id}/history Get journal history by id
JournalsApi journalsIdReportsYearYearGet GET /journals/{id}/reports/year/{year} Get journal metrics for a year

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization. Authentication schemes defined for the API:


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
