
My setup for running nomad and consul on a vagrant setup, configured by ansible.

This is my first time using basically every part of this tech stack. I haven't been able to find a solution for how to get ansible + vagrant + multiple machines working nicely. As I have 4 machines in my config, every combination of commands results in either:

  • 4 simultaneous executions, each provisioning all 4 at a time (apt lockfile crashes galore)
  • 4 sequential executions, each provisioning all 4 at a time (kinda works, but is slow)
  • 4 sequential executions, provisioning a host, then the next, with each execution (what it currently does)

Ideally I would want 1 execution, provisioning all 4 at a time, as that would be pretty fast, but here we are.


Clone this repo recursively


Run vagrant up --parallel to start the VMs and configuration. Then run vagrant ssh ns-1, and get the ip address. Then export the env variable with export NOMAD_ADDR='http://$NS-1-IP-ADDR:4646', and run waypoint install -platform=nomad -nomad-dc=cwdc-os-1 -accept-tos. This will setup your environment to have access to waypoint. Visit waypoint, at the same ip, on port 9702, using https. Follow the instructions. Run the file to make it so the waypoint runner can access the docker daemons for remote build capability.

Go into the nomad-configs directory, and assuming you have nomad on your own computer, run nomad run traefik.hcl to start up traefik


Start your local docker daemon if you have one, then go to the nomad-waypoint-integration-tests submodule. Run waypoint init, then visit the waypoint web ui. You should see the project appear. Click in the project, and manage settings. Create the following input variables:

  • git-email: the email you use with github
  • git-pat: a github personal access token with ghcr write privs
  • git-user: your github username

Optionally set the Git source url under the other tab, to a place where you control, where you can write changes. Also change the runner.data_source.url in the waypoint.hcl file to the same location. Back in the web ui, you can enable automated sync. Run waypoint init -update if you changed the waypoint.hcl file.

You should be able to run waypoint commands now. Here is a short list of examples

  • waypoint up -remote (Will use the most recent committed+pushed changes specified by the data_source url)
  • waypoint up (Only works if you have a running docker daemon, and permission to use it)
  • waypoint logs
  • waypoint exec bash

Once it has been deployed, the traefik configuration means

If it fails to push to ghcr, check your variables in waypoint. Sometimes they dissapear when you run waypoint init -update and make certain changes to the waypoint.hcl file