
Rust bindings to Uber's H3 library for geospatial indexing

Primary LanguageRust


This crate contains bindings to Uber's H3 Library. It is currently a work in progress, the list of the H3 C API that is covered by the crate is captured below:

  • Indexing
    • geoToH3
    • h3ToGeo
    • h3ToGeoBoundary
  • Inspection
    • h3GetResolution
    • h3GetBaseCell
    • stringToH3
    • h3ToString
    • h3IsValid
    • h3IsResClassIII
    • h3IsPentagon
  • Traversal
    • kRing
    • maxKringSize
    • kRingDistances
    • hexRange
    • hexRangeDistances
    • hexRanges
    • hexRing
    • h3Line
    • h3LineSize
    • h3Distance
  • Hierarchy
    • h3ToParent
    • maxH3ToChildrenSize
    • compact
    • uncompact
    • maxUncompactSize
  • Regions
    • polyfill
    • maxPolyfillSize
    • h3SetToLinkedGeo
  • Unidirectional Edges
    • h3IndexesAreNeighbors
    • getH3UnidirectionalEdge
    • h3UnidirectionalEdgeIsValid
    • getOriginH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge
    • getDestinationH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge
    • getH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge
    • getH3UnidirectionalEdgesFromHexagon
    • getH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary
  • Miscellaneous
    • degsToRads
    • radsToDegs
    • hexAreaKm2
    • hexAreaM2
    • edgeLengthKm
    • edgeLengthM
    • numHexagons
    • getRes0Indexes
    • res0IndexCount