
Setup for BetterWorks work environment.

Primary LanguageShell

BetterWorks vim/bash setup


git submodule update --init --recursive
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf
vim +PluginInstall +qall

Then copy all the files into your home directory.

Vim things

  • <C-c> - close an HTML tag
  • <space><space> - sort a block of text
  • <space>: - sort and align colons
  • <space>= - align equals signs
  • <tab> - go to next split
  • <S-tab> - go to previous split
  • <C-n> - open up nerdtree file browser
  • <C-p> - (when not typing) fuzzy file finder
  • <C-a> - open ctags window
  • <C-f> - git grep for word under cursor, and open quickfix window
  • <C-g> - git grep for definition of method/class under cursor, and open quickfix window