
Reading group for Project Euler problems

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Summer reading group for Project Euler problems learning the Julia programming language

Resources for learning Julia

We'll meet Fridays, 1pm Pacific time. The Zoom meeting ID is 959 8505 2576. Email fitzgerald at csus dot edu for the password.

Day Problems Presenters
June 19 4,9 Paul, Clark
June 26 12,14 John: 12, Shawheen & Hera: 14
July 3 18,21 Clark & Stephen: 18, Paul: 21
July 10 23,25 John: 23, Stephen: 25
July 17 27,30 Clark: 27, Shawheen: 30
July 24 31,60 Paul: 31, Anyone: 60


  • Presenters show their solutions (or attempts!) to solve the problems. It's completely fine if you couldn't solve it- as a group we'll figure out why it isn't working!
  • Group discusses experiences solving the problems. Here are some ideas:
    • alternative approaches
    • suggestions on how to make code more elegant / efficient
    • what they learned about the language / packages this week
  • Last 10 minutes: pick 2 more problems for next week

Background email


I'm organizing a math/programming reading group this summer, and thought you might be interested. The plan is to meet weekly and share our solutions to problems from Project Euler https://projecteuler.net/ using the Julia programming language https://julialang.org/

Each week we'll go over our approaches to a couple problems that we picked the previous week. We'll meet for an hour a week for the next six weeks. Outside of meeting, solving the problems and learning Julia syntax will take some time. If you would like to join us, please indicate when you are available: https://www.when2meet.com/?9236238-w5UrY Also, please reply to this email so I can add you to the Zoom call. Feel free to forward this to others at Sac State who may be interested. Students and faculty are both welcome.

My main interest is learning the Julia language, which I've only dabbled in until now. I think Julia is a promising new technology well suited to mathematical / scientific computing, and I want to get involved with software development. Julia would be my top choice for teaching a numerical course like Math 150. Others might be more interested in the algorithms to solve the problems in Project Euler- that's fine too.

Best, Clark Fitzgerald