
A resource dedicated to establishing the field of formalised Subjective Effect Documentation.

Primary LanguageVueISC LicenseISC


A nuxt.js-based content management system designed for https://effectindex.com


  1. Install Git, Node and MongoDB
  2. Run mongod --dbpath="$HOME"/.config/mongodb. Feel free to edit this path, this is where the database will be stored.
  3. git clone https://github.com/effectindex/EffectIndex
  4. cd EffectIndex
  5. npm install
  6. Create a .env file in the EffectIndex directory with the following contents:
# URL of the server
# Base URL for Axios ('/' unless running in some directory)
# A secret for the JSON Web Tokens
  1. (optional) Download a dump of the database and use the MongoDB mongorestore utility to restore it.
  • Extract the zip file to a folder
  • mongorestore --db effectindex dump/effectindex
  1. Use npm run dev to run the development server, npm run build to build the production site, and npm run start to start the production site.

Note: If your computer supports IPv6, you MUST use --ipv6 when running mongod, otherwise EffectIndex will fail to connect to the database.