I joined the #100DaysOfCode Challenge on August 13 2020

  • If you have any comments about my 100DaysOfCode journey, you can reach me on Twitter: @clarkphp or Hive @clarkeveretts
  • You can laugh at some of my project ideas here


If you've decided to join:

  1. Check out the Official Site for the #100DaysOfCode movement. Connect with others on the platform of your choice from this list: www.100DaysOfCode.com/connect Also, here is a invite link to the 100DaysOfCode Slack channel
  2. Read Join the #100DaysOfCode
  3. Fork Alex's repo and commit daily to the Log or to the Alternative, rapid R1 Log (R1 stands for Round 1). Example.
  4. Code minimum an hour every day for the next 100 days.
  5. Encourage at least two other people in the challenge on Twitter every day! Pay it forward!
  6. Change the date in Rules to the day you've started the challenge.
  7. Delete the examples in the log, or comment them out, and start filling it with your own content.
  8. Tweet your progress every day using the #100DaysOfCode hashtag.
  9. Follow Alex, creator of #100DaysOfCode & 100DaysOfCode Twitter Bot that retweets the tweets that contain the #100DaysOfCode hashtag. It's a great way to keep yourself motivated and to participate in the community. Thanks @amanhimself for creating it!
  10. Important: (see No.4 above for a specific rule on this) Encourage others who are doing the same challenge on Twitter or elsewhere - by giving them props when they are posting updates on their progress, supporting them when things get difficult. Thus we will grow a community that is helpful and effective, which will lead to a higher success rate for each person involved. It's also more likely that you will stick to your own commitment, given that you will get acquainted with a couple people (or more) right away.
  11. If you find a great, helpful resource that others would benefit from, either submit a Pull Request to add it to the repo, or just tweet at Alex (see info below)

⚡ Interested in meaningfully changing your life & getting the results you want?

Alex publishes a newsletter called Do the Opposite every other week. It's main focus is providing practical tips and techniques for improving the quality of your life - drawing from a wide variety of themes, listed below.

The themes covered are:

  • Habit Change. Learn how to successfully acquire good habits and how to quit bad ones.
  • Book Recommendations & Takeaways. Get awesome book recommendations and golden nuggets of wisdom extracted from these books so you can put them into action right away!
  • Personal Finance. Even tiny change you make about how you manage your money will bring mind-boggling results over time. Find out what these changes are!
  • Starting a Business. Whether you're a wanna-be indie maker or want to become the next Elon Musk, you will find some great resources here!
  • Overcoming Creative Blocks. Together we explore how to beat the Resistance and finish that project you've been day-dreaming about.
  • Minimalism Living with less has lots of benefits: reduced stress, less cleaning, better finances and a lot more!
  • Other topics. Psychology, learning to code, alternative lifestyles and more.

Join the Do the Opposite Community!

💌 SUBSCRIBE to the newsletter and start changing your life!

Want to change other habits?

Check out the #100DaysOfX Challenges Project. Changing your habits you are changing your life. Remember that the best time to start is always NOW.

Alex recommends you commit to no more than 2-3 challenges at a time, ideally 2. If you are doing the #100DaysOfCode which involves a lot of mental activity, try the #100DaysOfHealth, or #100DaysOfFitness challenges. There is so much more on the site, check all of them out and choose the ones you want to acquire! Languages, writing, meditation, journaling, cooking, and more!


  • If you have any questions or ideas about 100DaysOfCode (or other ideas), reach out to Alex on Twitter: @ka11away
  • If you like Alex's repo and find it useful, consider ★ starring it (on top right of the page) and forking it :)