Docker project to create a local kaggle environment using the offical kaggle docker images.
See the docs on the kaggle cli to learn how to create an kaggle.json file for authenticating to kaggle and
# install docker and docker-compose
# rancher desktop is a good choice:
# install python 3
# install the kaggle CLI so you can download data files and submit results
pip install kaggle
# create a kaggle credential file so you can use the kaggle cli and make submissions
# see
mkdir -p ~/.kaggle
vim -p ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
# start the notebooks
make run
# NOTE: You will need to accept competition rules before submitting
# download some competition files
cd input
mkdir titanic
cd titanic
kaggle competitions download titanic
cd ../../
# create a project and git repo
mkdir -p working/projects/titanic
cd working/projects/titanic
echo "# Titanic kaggle competition" >
echo ".ipynb_checkpoints" >> .gitignore
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "initial commit"
cd ../../../
# open a browser window
open http://localhost:8080
# in your bowser, create a new notebook in the projects/titanic folder
# edit your notebooks, save your output to /kaggle/working/projects/titanic
# in your shell, submit your results
kaggle competitions submit titanic -f ./working/projects/titanic/results.cvs -m "My submission message"
# stop the notebooks
make stop