
a fork of react-telephone-input

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reactjs Component for International Telephone Input

Inspired from the awesome jquery plugin for International Telephone Input.

This one is written as a reactjs component.

Live Demo here - http://unstack.in/react-telephone-input/

How it looks

// Use declaratively within another react components render method
var ReactTelInput = require('react-telephone-input');
  <ReactTelInput defaultCountry="in"/>

// or render standalone
var ReactTelInput = require('react-telephone-input');
React.render(<ReactTelInput defaultCountry="in"/>, document.getElementById('my-container'));

How to use it

  • If you install it from npm install, you can just do var ReactTelephoneInut = require('react-telephone-input');
  • You will need to copy flags.png from example/src folder to see the flag icons for each country.
  • Set the path to the flags image using the prop flagsImagePath
<ReactTelephoneInput defaultCountry='in' flagsImagePath='/path/to/images/flags.png'>

The default value for flagsImagePath is 'flags.png'


  • Automatically format the number as the user types
  • Navigate the country dropdown by typing a country's name, or using up/down keys
  • Selecting a country from the dropdown will update the dial code in the input
  • Typing a different dial code will automatically update the displayed flag
  • Country names in the dropdown also include localised versions in brackets
  • Dropdown appears above or below the input depending on available space/scroll position

You can try the app by downloading everything and running the commands given below -

$ npm install
$ npm start

go to your browser and type `http://localhost:8000`