Markdown-it plugin to bypass LaTeX math for mathjax processing.
Processes TeX displayed math
$$1 *2* 3$$
=> \[1 *2* 3\]
Processes TeX in-line math
$1 *2* 3$
=> \(1 *2* 3\)
Skips in-line math if numbers are around (according to pandoc math)
$1 *2* 3$5
=> $1 <em>2</em> 3$5
Also processes LaTeX delimiters (double backslashed)
\\(1 *2* 3\\)
=> \(1 *2* 3\)
\\[1 *2* 3\\]
=> \[1 *2* 3\]
And sections
\begin{abc}1 *2* 3\end{abc}
=> \begin{abc}1 *2* 3\end{abc}
npm install markdown-it-mathjax --save
var md = require('markdown-it')()
md.render('$1 *2* 3$') // => '<p>\(1 *2* 3\)</p>'
Differences in browser. If you load script directly into the page, without
package system, module will add itself globally as window.markdownitMathjax