
Welcome to Codefest 2019. To grab a seat in this competition what you have to do is make a pull requests. Follow the whole documentation.

What is a pull request?

Pull requests helps you to let the maintainer of the project know the changes you want to make to their project. Once a pull request (PR) is opened the project owner or the maintainers can review the changes and can merge them to their project or close the pr.

How to Create a pull request?

Here we are going to create a pr with changes in the codefest.txt file.

  • Fork the repository to your GitHub account by clicking on the fork button in the upper right corner of the page.

  • Now there are two ways for making changes to the file

    Clone the project to your local environment and edit the file (recommended):


    • Click on "Clone or download" button in your forked repositories page.
    • Copy the web url.
    • Run git clone CopiedWeburl in the terminal of your local computer. After cloning is done move inside the cloned folder.
    • Go to source/codefest.txt.
    • Type your name, email and I love devFest into the file and save it.
    • In the terminal run

      git add .
      git commit -m "Your Commit message"
      git push origin master

    • Now return to the forked repository in GitHub in your browser and click on "New pull request" Button.
    • Type I love devfest as the title of the pr and your name and email in the description box.
    • Click on "Create pull request" button and you are done!

    Want to learn more about Git? Follow our Git Cheatsheet

    Make change to the file on the GitHub site (easier):

    • In the forked repository go to source/codefest.txt file and click on the pencil icon to edit it.
    • Type I love devFest inside it and write some approprate commit messages then click on "Commit changes".
    • Now click on "New pull request" button.
    • Type I love devfest as the title of the pr and your name and email in the description box.
    • Click on "Create pull request" button and you are done!