
A collection of PowerShell tools that simplify my life and that may or may not be of use to anyone else.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


A collection of PowerShell tools that simplify my life and that may or may not be of use to anyone else.


In order to install the module, open a PowerShell prompt and paste the following line (triple-click to select all of it), then press [ENTER].

iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/claudehenchoz/ch-xtools/master/install-ch-xtools.ps1'))


Convert-CSVToEnterpriseModeSiteList (csv2em)

Converts a CSV file with a list of URLs and configuration options (and optionally, comments) to an Enterprise Mode XML file. It optionally generates an .emie file when launched with the -EmieFile parameter.

In the following example, we are using this example.csv:

"http://my.acme.com",docMode7,"ACME Account Page"
"http://microsoft.com/hello",emie,"MS Hello Site"

Running Convert-CSVToEnterpriseModeSiteList .\example.csv will produce the following XML (version attribute is randomized) that can be used by Internet Explorer directly:

<rules version="93635">
        <domain exclude="false">acme.com</domain>
        <domain exclude="false">microsoft.com
            <path exclude="false">/hello</path>
            <path docMode="5">/ie</path>
        <domain docMode="7">my.acme.com</domain>
            <path docMode="edge">/ms-ie</path>

In order to produce XML that can be imported into the "Enterprise Mode Site List Manager" (an .emie file that also contains comments that may be specified in the CSV), use the -EmieFile parameter.

Running Convert-CSVToEnterpriseModeSiteList .\example.csv -EmieFile produces this .emie file to be loaded in the "Enterprise Mode Site List Manager" tool (note the comments as well as the missing rules-attribute when outputting to .emie):

        <domain exclude="false" comment="ACME(tm)">acme.com</domain>
        <domain exclude="false">microsoft.com
            <path exclude="false" comment="MS Hello Site">/hello</path>
            <path docMode="5">/ie</path>
        <domain docMode="7" comment="ACME Account Page">my.acme.com</domain>
            <path docMode="edge">/ms-ie</path>

Get-EnterpriseModeDetails (gemd)

Gets details on Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode configuration. This is primarily intended to display the currently active configuration as well as the active versions.

PS C:\> Get-EnterpriseModeDetails
Enterprise Mode Details
Site List
        URL (HKLM Policy):
        Version (Web):
        Site List Version (HKCU):
        Cache Folder:
                C:\Users\Kelly\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files

Get-EnterpriseModeSiteList (gemsl)

Get-EnterpriseModeSiteList fetches an Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode configuration file and displays it in a friendly, non-confusing view.

It uses the system-configured URL unless one has been specified with the -Url parameter.

PS C:\> Get-EnterpriseModeSiteList
Address                                                     Setting
-------                                                     -------
www.microsoft.com*                                          Default
www.microsoft.com/en-us/mobile/                             Enterprise Mode
en.wikipedia.org*                                           Default
stallman.org*                                               edge
en.wikipedia.org*                                           No docMode
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netscape_Navigator_9*                 5

This sample was produced from the following configuration:

<rules version="90210">
    <domain docMode="edge">stallman.org</domain>
    <domain>en.wikipedia.org<path docMode="5">/wiki/Netscape_Navigator_9</path></domain>
    <domain exclude="true">www.microsoft.com<path exclude="false">/en-us/mobile/</path></domain>
    <domain exclude="true">en.wikipedia.org</domain>