Find and highlight words within a larger body of text 🖍
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Is this package still be maintained?
#33 opened by Yandamuri - 1
ERROR TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '') in react native 0.70
#32 opened by hotaryuzaki - 1
Update the package to use deprecated-react-native-prop-types and keep compatibility with react native 0.69.x
#29 opened by mrcandido - 3
warning " > react-native-highlight-words@1.0.1" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^15.5.0".
#27 opened by Pedro-Goncal - 1
how to get total count of highlighted word.
#15 opened by ZeroCool00 - 2
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buf if word start with "+" char
#16 opened by alainib - 2
Apply multiple styles
#1 opened by facuacostag - 3
How could I just highlight the exat word?
#22 opened by ramisalem - 1
Any way to add an ellipses effect to the text passed to the highlighter?
#26 opened by praneeth-hiver - 1
Can we add onPress for highlight text?
#25 opened by dragonj123 - 1
chore: add ts support
#23 opened by davidsonsns - 1
input '.' and it will all be highlighted
#20 opened by WebTzx - 1
Please add autoEscape={true} in README
#17 opened by StanislavMayorov - 0
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Scrollto highlight word
#18 opened by hadesownage - 0
Release new version
#14 opened by JonnyBurger - 1
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Is it possible to set property of Text components like numberOfLines, ellipsizeMode to Highlighter
#12 opened by dongawli - 1
Add multiple styles to other words
#13 opened by alz10 - 0
Implement to <Textarea>
#10 opened by mghifariyusuf - 2
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"Warning: PropTypes has been moved to a separate package"... in RN 0.45 - 0.47
#2 opened by fungilation