
Send file with range requests

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

koa-stream Build Status Coverage Status

Helper to stream files and buffers with range requests using koa. This can be used with video tags, and other resource using the Range header.

The implementation follows RFC 7233.


$ npm install koa-stream


Stream Files

var stream = require('koa-stream');
var path   = require('path');
var app    = require('koa');

app.use(function *() {
    yield stream.file(this, 'my-video.mp4', {root: path.join(__dirname, '/public')});

Stream Buffers

var stream = require('koa-stream');
var path   = require('path');
var app    = require('koa');

app.use(function *() {
    stream.buffer(this, new Buffer([1,2,3]), 'image/png', {allowDownload: true});

See sample/index.js for a working example.


  • root: the directory from which file paths will be resolved
  • allowDownload: allow to return the file instead of streaming it if not Range header is provided