
Elaborate a plan to bring LTI 1.3 to moodle

LTI 1.3 and above on Moodle

This repo is temporary and proposed as a way to build resources and discuss ideas on how to bring LTI 1.3 to moodle. It will hopefully become an actual Moodle Project.

With moodle 3.5, the platform has complied to all services making LTI advantage. It is now lacking support for LTI 1.3 security model to gain full LTI advantage status.

However LTI 1.3 core specifications do not address deployments, and due to the assymetrical nature of the LTI 1.3 security model, it is now more arduous. So this proposal goes above just the support of the core specification to propose a deployment model. Hopefully a similar model will be adopted by other platforms, standardized, and siloed avoided (i.e. use this to deploy in Moodle, do xx to deploy in zz). See activation flow and deep linking to pick app.

  • Step 1 is to actually do all LTI 1.3. With that work, and since Moodle already supports assignment and grades as well as membership service, this will bring Moodle to full LTI 1.3 advantage support
  • Once this is in place, we automate the sharing of tool configuration in step 2 by introducing an activation flow.
  • To complete the experience, in step3, the deeplinking flow is extended to be able to pick a tool descriptor that will pre-fill all the tool settings. Pick the tool, verify, activate.
  • There is still an inherent issue that external tools deployed at the site are available to all courses, forcing tools to be deployed at the course level to avoid the noise. Tools should have the option to be made optional, and require the instructor to pick a pre-configured tool and explicitly add it. site tool deployment