Replication Package

  • ASE_patches: Patches from ASE'20 paper Automated Patch Correctness Assessment: How Far are We?. We directly reuse data from

  • RQ1: Data and scripts of evaluation of static features: CapGen, S3, ssFix and anti-patterns.

  • RQ2: Data and scripts of evaluation of embedding technique.

  • RQ3: Data and scripts of evaluation of dynamic features: Opad and Patch-Sim.

  • balanced_dataset: Path information of merged dataset(PraPR patches + ASE patches) and balanced dataset(all correct patches from PraPR patches + ASE patches and equal number of overfitting patches from PraPR patches + ASE patches).

  • d4j1.2_src_path: Root directory relative path information from previous study, containing relative path information including source, test, bin, test-bin.

  • developer_patches_1.2&developer_patches_2.0: patches from defects4j like *.src.patch in this directory

  • gen_prapr_patches: Scripts of generating source code level PraPR patches.

  • prapr_bin_patches_1.2&prapr_bin_patches_2.0: Output of running PraPR on pre-configured defects4j programs(you need to configure programs to maven first).

  • prapr_src_patches_1.2&2prapr_src_patches_2.0: Source code level PraPR patches, the generation procedure and explaination of files are in `gen_prapr_patches' directory.

  • pylib: Helper functions for running scripts.

  • tests_generated_for_1.2_dataset&tests_generated_for_2.0_dataset: Tests generated by defects4j test generation module. Note that some tests of some projects can't be generated.

  • overlapping_patches_ASE_prapr.txt: Overlapping patches between ASE patches and PraPR patches.

Subject Benchmarks

Identifier Project Name Bugs Tests LoC
Chart JFreeChart 26 2,205 96K
Time Joda-Time 27 4,130 28K
Mockito Mockito framework 38 1,366 23K
Lang Apache commons-lang 65 2,245 22K
Math Apache commons-math 106 3,602 85K
Closure Google Closure compiler 133 7,927 90K
Defects4j V1.2
Cli Commons-cli 39 361 4K
Codec Commons-codec 18 850 10K
Collections Commons-collections 4 1,286 65K
Compress Commons-compress 47 73 12K
Csv Commons-csv 16 257 2K
Gson Gson 18 720 9K
JacksonDatabind Jackson-databind 112 1,098 68K
JacksonCore Jackson-core 26 692 31K
JacksonXml Jackson-dataformat-xml 6 160 6K
Jsoup Jsoup 93 530 14K
JXPath Apache commons-jxpath 22 4 21K
Defects4j V2.0